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이 글은 인문·사회과학의 위기를 극복하기 위해 연구의 질적 수준을 향상시킬 수 있는 방안을 연구 계획서와 연구 결과에 대한 평가 모형의 개선을 통해 찾으려는 실천적 관심에서 쓰여졌다. 연구 계획서의 심사에 있어서는 기초 학문 분야의 특성을 살리기 위한 심사 기준을 새롭게 구성함과 동시에 인문·사회과학 기초 분야의 특성을 반영할 수 있는 새로운 심사 기준으로 제안하였다. 동시에 학술지에 실리는 논문의 질적 수준을 높이기 위해서는 연구 논문에 대한 평가 의견을 자유롭게 개진하는 방식으로 평가가 이루어지고, 이 평가 의견이 연구자에게 환류되어 논문의 질적 수준을 높이는 데 기여하도록 해야 할 것이다. 기초 학문 분야의 연구 결과로서 학술 저서의 중요성이 강조되어야 함과 동시에 학술 저서 출판을 위한 심사제의 도입도 또한 시급히 요청된다.

his study purports to enhance the quality of researches in the humanities and social sciences by constructing a new evaluation model. The most fundamental problems in the current evaluation system is that it ignores the distinctive characteristics of those disciplines, which is radically different from the natural sciences and engineering, and that it tries to appropriate evaluation tools developed in the latter without discretion. In constructing a new and alternative evaluation method, this study divides the evaluation realms into two:research proposals and research products. For the proper evaluation of academic journals, this study proposes to revise the evaluation system that is developed by Korea Research Foundation. The current system, which is mainly concerned with the formats of academic journals, can be improved by incorporating more content oriented evaluation criteria in the evaluation of research papers published in the journals. Also, it is very critical to introduce evaluation system in the publication of academic books, which is almost completely absent in current situations. In the evaluation of research proposals for grant applications, this study emphasizes the necessity to remove some evaluation criteria unsuitable for the humanities and social sciences, while adding some new ones specifying the peculiarities of those academic fields. The most significant implication of this study is that the goal of evaluation system can be fulfilled only when it encourages productive communications between researchers and evaluators. Unilateral decision making on the quality of research products by evaluators will give some necessary information in determining their qualities. It will, however, never provide helpful insights essential to the improvement of the quality of research products until it culminates into reciprocal interactions leading to their revisions.

his study purports to enhance the quality of researches in the humanities and social sciences by constructing a new evaluation model. The most fundamental problems in the current evaluation system is that it ignores the distinctive characteristics of those disciplines, which is radically different from the natural sciences and engineering, and that it tries to appropriate evaluation tools developed in the latter without discretion. In constructing a new and alternative evaluation method, this study divides the evaluation realms into two:research proposals and research products. For the proper evaluation of academic journals, this study proposes to revise the evaluation system that is developed by Korea Research Foundation. The current system, which is mainly concerned with the formats of academic journals, can be improved by incorporating more content oriented evaluation criteria in the evaluation of research papers published in the journals. Also, it is very critical to introduce evaluation system in the publication of academic books, which is almost completely absent in current situations. In the evaluation of research proposals for grant applications, this study emphasizes the necessity to remove some evaluation criteria unsuitable for the humanities and social sciences, while adding some new ones specifying the peculiarities of those academic fields. The most significant implication of this study is that the goal of evaluation system can be fulfilled only when it encourages productive communications between researchers and evaluators. Unilateral decision making on the quality of research products by evaluators will give some necessary information in determining their qualities. It will, however, never provide helpful insights essential to the improvement of the quality of research products until it culminates into reciprocal interactions leading to their revisions.

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academic book evaluation system humanities and social sciences research paper research proposal research quality