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In Japanese causative sentences such as “Nakamachi-de meishi-wo koshirae-saseru (=koshiraeru),” there are some examples which retain their naturalness even if the causative form V-(s)aseru is replaced by the non-causative verb form without -(s)aseru to refer to the same event. This paper investigates the grammatical and lexical conditions required for causative and non-causative sentences to express the same referential meaning, as in the above example, in relation to the semantic types of causative sentences. In terms of such causative sentences which express the same referential meaning as the non-causative sentences, the case whereby a causer makes use of an actor as the supervisor to achieve his/her desired outcome and enjoy the outcome is only restricted to prominent causative (i.e., literal causative or “tsukaidate” (Hayatsu, 2007)) sentences. This is supported by features of sentence structures such as the categorical meaning of non-causative verbs, explicit expression of an actor in a sentence, and the social semantic relationship of the nouns expressing the actor and the causer. These referential similarities of causative and non-causative sentences are manifested as co-indexed referents of the two types of sentences, but can also be interpreted as a weakening of causative and non-causative voice opposition.