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기업의 소유와 경영에 관한 논의는 기업의 사회적 역할과 윤리의식이 결부되면서, 기업과 사회 환경이 소유와 경영에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대한 관계를 모색하고자 하는 논의가 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 이러한 논의가 진행되는 이유는 기업의 사회적 책임이 강조되면서 기업의 경영체제가 장기적으로는 기업의 경영성과를 결정하는 중요한 이슈 중의 하나로 인식되고 있기 때문이다. 기업경영에는 여러 가지의 유형이 있지만, 그 중 하나가 가족경영(family business)이다. 가족경영은 가족구성원이 창업하여 창업자와 그 일가들이 소유하고, 기업경영에 대하여 직접 통제와 감독하면서 그 다음 세대로 계승됨으로써 지속적으로 세대 간의 기업계승이 이루어지는 잠재성을 내포하고 있는 경영이다(Churchill & Hatten, 1987). 이러한 가족경영은 인적자원 측면에서 가족구성원들의 적극적인 참여를 통해 경영의 안정성과 생산성 향상에 기여하고 있다. 본 연구는 가족기업의 전략적 측면에 치중하던 분석방법에서 벗어나 내, 외부 환경의 차원에서 기업이 본원적으로 보유하고 있는 외부 네트워크 특성을 이용하여 경영성과의 차원들과 어떠한 관계가 있는지를 살펴보았으며, 특히 내부의 기능적인 특성인 조직구조의 유기적인 특성을 통하여 가족기업 경영에 대한 이론적 접근과 실증분석을 하고자 하였다

Network characteristics and organizational structure of business organizations has increased significantly in the United States, Europe, Asia and in other parts of the industrialized world. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of network characteristics on family-owned enterprise and to investigate how the fitness of these variables in this context to the firm's performance. A key contextual variable that has not been specifically studied is organizational structure. Organizational structure may depend on a degree of measures to delegate and control top managers. The data employed in this study were derived from subjective survey data. Firms are classified by industry type according to the SIC. All variables incorporated in the model are perceived scale index for the period 2005 to 2008. Consequently, the data set contains firms from both manufacturing and service sectors in the family-owned enterprise. The major findings of this paper are summarized as follows; First, multiple-regression analysis shows that business performance is more affected by organizational consideration factors than other network characteristics. These results are explained with characteristics of Korean family-owned enterprises. Second, organic structure had positive effects on business performance, but showed no statistical significance to the interaction effects with network characteristics variables. Based on the results of this study, We suggest that Korean family-owned enterprises try to accomplish the fitness between network characteristics and organizational structure and this lead to business performance.

Network characteristics and organizational structure of business organizations has increased significantly in the United States, Europe, Asia and in other parts of the industrialized world. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of network characteristics on family-owned enterprise and to investigate how the fitness of these variables in this context to the firm's performance. A key contextual variable that has not been specifically studied is organizational structure. Organizational structure may depend on a degree of measures to delegate and control top managers. The data employed in this study were derived from subjective survey data. Firms are classified by industry type according to the SIC. All variables incorporated in the model are perceived scale index for the period 2005 to 2008. Consequently, the data set contains firms from both manufacturing and service sectors in the family-owned enterprise. The major findings of this paper are summarized as follows; First, multiple-regression analysis shows that business performance is more affected by organizational consideration factors than other network characteristics. These results are explained with characteristics of Korean family-owned enterprises. Second, organic structure had positive effects on business performance, but showed no statistical significance to the interaction effects with network characteristics variables. Based on the results of this study, We suggest that Korean family-owned enterprises try to accomplish the fitness between network characteristics and organizational structure and this lead to business performance.