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주희를 비롯한 송유(宋儒)들에게 있어『大學』은 유교정치철학의 대강을 서술하였다는 점에서 왕도를 밝히는 기본 경전으로 간주되었고, 사서(四書)의 하나로써 권위를 누려왔다. 이러한 『대학』에 대한 중시는 리학(理學) 뿐 아니라 왕양명에 의해 제창된 심학(心學)적 전통 안에서도 마찬가지였는데, 다만 세부적인 관점과 해석에 있어서는 양자가 관점을 달리했다.정제두 역시『대학』을 “성인의 학문의 온전한 요지와 만세의 심법”이라고 규정하면서 『대학』이 지닌 중요성을 강조하였는데, 특히 그는 왕양명의 『대학』에 대한 이해를 계승하여 주희가 말하는 바, 연역적이면서 귀납적으로 사물을 궁구하는 방도로서의 격물(格物)에 천착하기 보다는 양명과 같이 ‘성의’(誠意)를 『대학』 이론 체계의 중심 범주로 다루었다. 또한 그 외에도 정제두는 양명의 ‘양지’(良知) 개념을 통해 『대학』의 원리를 설명하기도 하였는데 그는 ‘지선’(至善)의 발견이 양지와 사물의 공능에 근거한다고 보는 동시에, “명덕(明德)은 근본이고, 친민(親民)은 지엽이고, 지선(至善)은 본체이다.”고 설명하기도 하였다.특히 정제두는 ‘본체’와 ‘공능’이라는 두 개념을 통해서 『대학』의 원리를 규명하고자 했는데, 그는 송명학자들과 같이 ‘명덕’과 ‘친민’을 각기 본체와 공능으로 보면서도, 양자가 궁극적으로는 분리될 수 없으며, 이는 특히 개인의 정신적이고 지적인 수양(修養)이 전제될 때에만 개인과 사회와의 온전한 관계 정립에 기여할 수 있음을 설파하였다.

The Great Learning gave impetus to the belief that self-cultivation alone, especially on the part of the ruler, could solve all political problems and usher in the perfect society and orderly state. In his emphasis, Chung remained true to central theme of the Great Learning. The Great Learning does not place emphasis on the state and the world but on the individual’s cultivation of his own spiritual and intellectual self, in order to make his personality the instrument which brings tranquillity to the family, the state and the world. Its central purpose is to tell how the individual can deal with social and political matters. In this process, the family, the state and the world are put into perspective as elements, which in the ideal social order must respond to the influence of the cultivated individual personality. The central theme of Great Learning is self-cultivation. In other words, before a person can regulate and discipline others, or bring order to the state and peace to the world, he must learn to regulate and discipline himself. To accomplish this, the Great Learning outlines a system or program, which became famous for its "eight items" or "eight steps". The first five steps pertain to personal cultivation and the last three to social functions. Chung Chedu followed the Yang-ming school that self-cultivation is of utmost importance. However, he did not ignore the functioning of the Confucian ideology and proposed that substance and function should not be separated and they belong to one thing. In conjunction with this discussion, Chung also expounds the Great Learning’s doctrine of the internal and the external, the fundamental and the secondary, and though they must be clearly distinguished they should not be neglected.

The Great Learning gave impetus to the belief that self-cultivation alone, especially on the part of the ruler, could solve all political problems and usher in the perfect society and orderly state. In his emphasis, Chung remained true to central theme of the Great Learning. The Great Learning does not place emphasis on the state and the world but on the individual’s cultivation of his own spiritual and intellectual self, in order to make his personality the instrument which brings tranquillity to the family, the state and the world. Its central purpose is to tell how the individual can deal with social and political matters. In this process, the family, the state and the world are put into perspective as elements, which in the ideal social order must respond to the influence of the cultivated individual personality. The central theme of Great Learning is self-cultivation. In other words, before a person can regulate and discipline others, or bring order to the state and peace to the world, he must learn to regulate and discipline himself. To accomplish this, the Great Learning outlines a system or program, which became famous for its "eight items" or "eight steps". The first five steps pertain to personal cultivation and the last three to social functions. Chung Chedu followed the Yang-ming school that self-cultivation is of utmost importance. However, he did not ignore the functioning of the Confucian ideology and proposed that substance and function should not be separated and they belong to one thing. In conjunction with this discussion, Chung also expounds the Great Learning’s doctrine of the internal and the external, the fundamental and the secondary, and though they must be clearly distinguished they should not be neglected.