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이 글은 인간의 흐트러지고 지나치기 쉬운 감정[七情]을 치유하기 위한 퇴계의 음악활용에 대해 논한 것이다. 우선 퇴계가 필사한 『활인심방』(活人心方)에서 인간의 몸과 마음의 건강을 위하여 음악이 활용되어 온 사료를 검토해 보았다. 음악과 비장(脾臟)과의 관계가 수록된 『활인심방』의 음악관련 사료에서는 비장 그 자체가 음악을 스스로 인식하여 기능을 수행하는 것이 아니라, 좋은 음악을 통하여 편안하고 안정된 감정 상태를 유지함으로써 감정과 밀접하게 연관되어 있는 비장의 기능이 건강하게 유지된다는 것을 의학적으로 살펴보았다. 여기에서 음악이란 인간의 마음을 평안하게 하는 동시에 몸과 마음의 건강까지도 유지시켜주는 매개체이다. 퇴계가 65세에 창작한 「도산십이곡」(陶山十二曲) <언지>(言志)에서는 흐트러진 인간의 감정을 음악이라는 도구를 통해 치유해나가는 ‘음악치유자’로서의 퇴계를 검토하였다. 여기에는 인간의 마음과 몸을 건강하게 유지하는 데에 그의 음악치유법의 원리가 실제 어떻게 활용될 수 있는지 보여줄 뿐만 아니라, 타인과의 관계를 개선하고 사회의 부조화를 치유하는 데에도 영향이 있음을 알 수 있다. 「도산십이곡」에 내재된 퇴계의 ‘온유돈후’(溫柔敦厚)의 실상은 겸손함과 자신에게 주어진 삶의 환경을 긍정적이고 만족함으로 받아들이는 내용과 노래 속에 권위나 근엄함이 요란하게 드러나지 않고 조용한 그만의 정감으로 표현하고 있다는 점, 세상에 대한 걱정거리가 있더라도 회피하지 않고 정화되고 순화된 언어로 노래함으로서 스스로의 마음을 다스려 갔다는 점에서 드러난다. 퇴계는 사람의 흐트러진 감정표현과 사회적 병리현상을 걱정하였고, 감정순화의 시급함을 인식하여 「도산십이곡」을 지었으며, 그것이 세상에 불리기를 바랐다. 퇴계의 음악관과 인간의 감정치유에 대한 필자의 논의는 현실에 성행하는 ‘음악치료’의 원리가 이미 우리 선조의 사상 속에 담겨 있었다는 것을 증명하고, 이러한 음악치유법이 앞으로 좀더 구체적으로 연구되어 현대인들에게 실제 활용되는데 도움이 되기를 희망한다.

This paper discusses the musical practice of Toegye to heal the human feelings prone to be distracted and get extreme easily. For this I examined the documents describing his musical practices for the health of body and mind in Hwal- insimbang transcribed by himself. With the musical documents in the book, which explains the relations between music and spleen, I concluded that spleen does not just recognize music and not functions itself, but it stabilizes by keeping easy and relaxed sentiments through good music. Music in this book functions as a medium which eases the human mind and keeps the mind and body healthy at the same time. Next, I examined Toegye in his Dosansibigok that was written when he was 65 years old, as a musical healer of the distracted human feelings. He proved the practical effects of his theory of musical healing for the health of human body and mind, for the improvement of relationships with others and for the healing of discord. The idea of ‘Onyudonhu’(溫柔敦厚) in this book indicates: you should be humble and take the given environment positively and contentedly; songs by Toegye have no exaggerated authority and dignity but calm feeling; he enjoyed purified and refined songs under worldly concern without avoiding it and controlled his own mind. Toegye worried about troubled feelings of people and socio-pathological phenomenon, which made him compose the songs in Dosansibigok. He wanted those songs to be sung around the world. I discussed the musical idea of Toegye to prove the principle of so called musical therapy these days has already been existed in the lives of our ancestors. I wish musical therapies would be studied more deeply and could be used for moderns.

This paper discusses the musical practice of Toegye to heal the human feelings prone to be distracted and get extreme easily. For this I examined the documents describing his musical practices for the health of body and mind in Hwal- insimbang transcribed by himself. With the musical documents in the book, which explains the relations between music and spleen, I concluded that spleen does not just recognize music and not functions itself, but it stabilizes by keeping easy and relaxed sentiments through good music. Music in this book functions as a medium which eases the human mind and keeps the mind and body healthy at the same time. Next, I examined Toegye in his Dosansibigok that was written when he was 65 years old, as a musical healer of the distracted human feelings. He proved the practical effects of his theory of musical healing for the health of human body and mind, for the improvement of relationships with others and for the healing of discord. The idea of ‘Onyudonhu’(溫柔敦厚) in this book indicates: you should be humble and take the given environment positively and contentedly; songs by Toegye have no exaggerated authority and dignity but calm feeling; he enjoyed purified and refined songs under worldly concern without avoiding it and controlled his own mind. Toegye worried about troubled feelings of people and socio-pathological phenomenon, which made him compose the songs in Dosansibigok. He wanted those songs to be sung around the world. I discussed the musical idea of Toegye to prove the principle of so called musical therapy these days has already been existed in the lives of our ancestors. I wish musical therapies would be studied more deeply and could be used for moderns.