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본 연구는 한국의 양명학자인 정제두와 그와 같은 시기를 살았던 주자학자들의 인간 심성에 대한 이해와 도덕실천에 대한 열망을 ‘양명학적 문제의식’을 중심으로 규명하고자 하였다. 이에 앞서 한국 양명학 연구방법의 확대를 위하여 조선시대 양명학 관련 논쟁과 쟁점을 분석하였다. 주자학과 양명학은 핵심문제를 공유하고 있으므로 양명학이 조선에 도입되면서 주자학자들과 비판적 논쟁이 지속적으로 존재하였다. 그러나 기존의 연구는 퇴계의 양명학 비판을 주제로 한 것이 대부분이므로 이에 대한 연구는 조선의 주자학과 양명학을 좀 더 정확하게 바라볼 수 있는 토대가 된다. 조선의 양명학은 양명학적 문제의식이 조선의 주자학 체계 내에 소화되어 제한적으로 그 기능을 발휘했다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 조선시대 유학사에서 논쟁을 불러일으켰던 양명학과 관련된 유학자들의 입장을 통해 조선유학의 학문적 독자성을 밝힐 수 있는 기초자료가 될 것이다. 17세기 후반 이루어진 주자학에 대한 반성은 여러 가지 양상으로 드러난다. 그 중에서 조선 양명학의 중심인물인 정제두의 주자학 반성은 심성문제와 관련된다. 또한 같은 시기 주자학자들의 양명학 비판은 조선시대의 심학을 새로운 맥락에서 이해할 수 있는 단서를 제공하기에 충분하다. 또한 이는 정제두를 통해서 조선의 양명학 전개과정을 밝힐 수 있는 하나의 시론에 해당한다. 따라서 조선양명학의 중심인물인 정제두가 주자학을 어떻게 반성하고 자신의 철학체계를 건립하고 있는가 하는 점을 조명하여 한국유학의 심학적 성격을 규명하고자 한 것이다.

In this paper, we will try to comparative study of though between Chung Chedu and Zhuxi Scholars in Chosun dynasty. Especcially, examining each thought’s main characteristic, distinction, this paper calls attenation to the structural aspects of their Mind[心]. For this first of all, it analyzed the tendency of existing studies on the correlation between Neo-Confucianism and Yang-ming’s Learning in the Chosun Dynasty, and pointed out its significance and limitations. Its have significance in a sense that tried to seek for the foundation that can positively interpret the role and function of Yang-ming’s Learning in the history of Chosun thought. Neo-Confucianism in the Chosun Dynasty maintained the trend of the learning of principle from its early period to the end. Because of this, people often discuss the closedness and narrowness of Chosun Neo-Confucianism as a philosophy. However, the present study attempted to show that Neo-Confucians in the mid Chosen Dynasty did not lack the consciousness or methods of mind scholars in the Ming Dynasty but such problems had already been raised inside and efforts had been made to overcome the problems. For this, we examined agreements and conflicts among Zhuxi Scholars, Yang-ming’s Scholars. With this study, an aspect fo Neo-Confucianism in the last Chosun Dynasty was illuminated. It is also important to study the reason for regarding Yang-ming as heterodox under the influence of Toegye and the possibility of Yang-ming scholars’ development of Zhuxi’s philosophy from the perspective of Yang-ming Learning. This in foundation, the present study tried to examine the view of Yang-ming’s Learning in The confucianist for the latter period of Chosun. This study is what surveyed the view of Yangming’s Learning in The confucianist for the latter period of Chosun. The study is what examined into the critical contents and its philosophical characteristics for Chu shi’s Philosophy in Hagok. Chung Chedu’s philosophically problematic consciousness is taking root in the critical recognition against reality at that time. To do so, we come to know Chung Chedu’s criticism of Zhuxi’s philosophy and the characteristics of Hagog Mind & Heart Learning and Zhuxi Scholars criticism of Yang-ming Learning and the characteristics of Mind & Heart Learning. Then we have to consider the influences of criticism of Yang-ming Learning and The Chosun confucianist’s Mind & Heart Learning upon the development of Korean Confucianism. It will contribute to further studies about Korean Confucianism’s different development from the Chinese, the similarities and differences of Korea Zhuzi’s Learning and Yangming’s Learning, the reason that Korean confucianism developed with Hsin-hsing lun as its core, and the influence of Yang-ming’s Learning on The Chosun confucianist.

In this paper, we will try to comparative study of though between Chung Chedu and Zhuxi Scholars in Chosun dynasty. Especcially, examining each thought’s main characteristic, distinction, this paper calls attenation to the structural aspects of their Mind[心]. For this first of all, it analyzed the tendency of existing studies on the correlation between Neo-Confucianism and Yang-ming’s Learning in the Chosun Dynasty, and pointed out its significance and limitations. Its have significance in a sense that tried to seek for the foundation that can positively interpret the role and function of Yang-ming’s Learning in the history of Chosun thought. Neo-Confucianism in the Chosun Dynasty maintained the trend of the learning of principle from its early period to the end. Because of this, people often discuss the closedness and narrowness of Chosun Neo-Confucianism as a philosophy. However, the present study attempted to show that Neo-Confucians in the mid Chosen Dynasty did not lack the consciousness or methods of mind scholars in the Ming Dynasty but such problems had already been raised inside and efforts had been made to overcome the problems. For this, we examined agreements and conflicts among Zhuxi Scholars, Yang-ming’s Scholars. With this study, an aspect fo Neo-Confucianism in the last Chosun Dynasty was illuminated. It is also important to study the reason for regarding Yang-ming as heterodox under the influence of Toegye and the possibility of Yang-ming scholars’ development of Zhuxi’s philosophy from the perspective of Yang-ming Learning. This in foundation, the present study tried to examine the view of Yang-ming’s Learning in The confucianist for the latter period of Chosun. This study is what surveyed the view of Yangming’s Learning in The confucianist for the latter period of Chosun. The study is what examined into the critical contents and its philosophical characteristics for Chu shi’s Philosophy in Hagok. Chung Chedu’s philosophically problematic consciousness is taking root in the critical recognition against reality at that time. To do so, we come to know Chung Chedu’s criticism of Zhuxi’s philosophy and the characteristics of Hagog Mind & Heart Learning and Zhuxi Scholars criticism of Yang-ming Learning and the characteristics of Mind & Heart Learning. Then we have to consider the influences of criticism of Yang-ming Learning and The Chosun confucianist’s Mind & Heart Learning upon the development of Korean Confucianism. It will contribute to further studies about Korean Confucianism’s different development from the Chinese, the similarities and differences of Korea Zhuzi’s Learning and Yangming’s Learning, the reason that Korean confucianism developed with Hsin-hsing lun as its core, and the influence of Yang-ming’s Learning on The Chosun confucianist.