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박심(朴鐔, 1652∼1707)은 구당(久堂) 박장원(朴長遠)의 아들이고 암행어사 박문수(朴文秀)의 종조부로서 숙종조 경연관을 지냈다. 그는 박장원의 아들로서 유학의 학통을 계승하였고, 그의 아들 박양한도 국조문장가에 선정될 만큼 문장이 뛰어났다. 그는 박세채와 송시열, 윤증의 문인으로서 어려서부터 유교경전을 독실히 배워 조정으로부터 학문이 높은 선비로 천거를 받았다. 특히 송대 주자학에 정통하였고, 조선의 양명학자 정제두와 도의지교를 맺었다. 한평생 처사적인 삶으로 부귀공명과 사환(仕宦)의 길에 나아가기 보다는 진정한 도학(道學)을 강구하는데 전념하였다. 그는 조정에서 학문이 높은 선비로 천거되었으나 매번 벼슬을 사양하였다. 홍천 현감에 재직 시 기근과 전염병에서 백성을 구제하고, 영천 군수 시절에는 영천에서 공맹(孔孟)의 유풍을 크게 진작시키고 빈민구제의 공로를 세웠다. 이에 고을의 유자(儒者)들은 그를 “지금의 공자”라고 칭송하였다. 박심은 항상 유학의 실천적인 학문에 힘쓰고 위기지학(爲己之學)의 자세로 학문에 임하였다. 이에 젊은 시절부터 박세채와 송시열, 윤증으로부터 학문이 높은 경지에 올라있음을 인정받았다. 박세채는 일찍이 그가 유학을 발전시킬 큰 재목임을 인정했다. 송시열은 박심이 자신의 스승인 사계 김장생에 대해 그의 후손이 가풍을 잇지 못하는 현실을 지적한 것에 대해 깊은 감명을 받았고, 그를 후생가외(後生可畏)한 인물로 평가하였다. 윤증은 박심의 고명한 학식을 인정하고 그의 의견이 많은 깨우침이 되었다고 하였다. 그의 학문적인 업적은 그 당시 교유한 인물들의 문집을 통해 알 수가 있는데, 소론계열 문인들의 상황과 주자학, 양명학의 사상적 논쟁을 연구하는데 있어서 결코 빼놓을 수 없는 인물이다. 송시열을 비롯한 윤증, 박세채 등의 소론계열 학자들과의 관계에서 박심은 정통 주자학의 이론을 충실히 배운 도학자의 입장에서 성학(聖學)과 천리(天理)를 논하고, 논변과 비평을 가하였다. 특히 정제두의 양명학 이론이 형성되어 가는 과정에서 그는 천명(天命)과 성명(性命)의 이론에 대한 정사(正邪)를 변증하는 역할을 하였다. 정제두의 학문적 이론이 허구에 빠지지 않도록 바로 잡아주기도 하였고, 간혹 서로 다른 이견으로 쟁론을 하기도 했다. 이러한 점이 바로 정제두의 양명학 이론이 발전하는데 기여한 것으로 여겨진다. 박장원이 현달한 고위직에 오르면서부터 그의 후손이 본격적으로 충정지역에 세거하기 시작하였다. 충청지역은 고령박씨의 세거지이고, 그 영향권에 속한 보령은 박심이 사승관계 혹은 교유관계에 있는 당대의 학자들과 교유한 곳이다. 이를 통해 또한 보령이 처사로서 도학을 연마한 박심의 활동 근거지였음을 알 수 있었다. 본 논문의 성과는 박심과 교유한 인물들의 문헌을 추적하여 박심이라는 인물을 새롭게 조명해본 것이다. 요컨대 당시 학자들이 박심에게 전한 많은 편지들은 박심의 학문을 연구하는데 매우 중요하므로 앞으로 더욱 심층적으로 연구할 과제이다.

Park Sim(1652∼1707), Gudang Park, Jang-won’s son and the secret royal inspector Park, Mun-soo’s granduncle, served as a royal lecturer during the Reign of King Sukjong. As a literary person of Park, Se-chae, Song, Si-yeol and Yun Jeung, he has sincerely learned Confucian scriptures since he was young and hence, was recommended by Royal Court as a highly academic scholar. In particular, he was profound with Neo-Confucianism during the Though the doctrines of Chu-tzuHowever, his collection of works was lost in future generations so his deeds were not well known to the world. But, the name, Park Sim or Park, Dae-suk can be seen a lot in the Annals of the Dynasty and other literature and only his name is mentioned in studies on controversy of Neo-Confucianism Studies. The character and academic achievement of Park Sim can be seen through collections of works written by persons keeping company with him at that time. Since young, he has been recognized by Park, Se-chae and Song, Si-yeol for his high academic stage. Being always thorough his self-discipline, he was engaged in studies with the attitude of Confucian methodology of self-organization emphasized by Confucius. He was a figure that should not be excluded in studying the ideological debate of Yang-ming Studies, Neo-Confucianism and context of Soron writers at that time. Examining his father Park, Jang-won’s collection of works 『Gudangjip (collection of Gudang’s works)』 and collections of works written by figures keeping company with him, he inherited the scholastic mantle of the family as Park, Jang-won’s son and his son Park, Yang-han also showed excellent sentences enough to be selected as a national writer. Under Park, Se-chae, he sincerely learned the scriptures with Jeong, Je-du, Im Young and studied under Song, Si-yeol and Yun Jeung and extended his knowledge by learning Neo-Confucianism and Yang-ming Studies. The letters given to Park Sim by these three teachers told us that Park Sim’s studies had been already recognized. Living as Chushi (A scholar living quietly in a remote village) during his entire life, he put emphasis on studying true ethics rather than seeking wealth, rank and fame and serving as an official. Selected as a highly academic scholar in Royal Court, he was appointed as Seoyconguan (An official responsible for education of price) and Sejasikangwon (Lecture room for prince) Advisor but rejected every time. While serving as a Hongcheon governor, he made a contribution of the relief of the poor and significantly boosted the old customs of Confucius and Mencius in Yeongcheon and made a contribution of poor relief during Yeongcheon governor days. Confucian scholars in the county praised him, saying “Contemporary Confucius.”Park, Se-chae kept company with writers while frequently coming from and going to Chungnam Naepo Province and Song, Si-yeol planned to stay in Boryeong after the dispute between Noron and Soron. Song, Si-yeol was impressed by Park Sim who pointed out the reality that the descendants of his teacher, Sagye Kim Jang-saeng did not inherit the family traditions. Yun Jeung kept company with Park Sim’s brothers and always praised him saying that Park Sim’s academic opinion gave him a lot of enlightenment. The Chinese poem Yun Jeung sent to Park Sim and Park Jin showed a new fact that two Park brothers also stayed near Mt. Seongju of Chungnam Boryeong. Park Sim and Jeong, Je-du developed mutual Yang-ming Studies through academic companionship. He corrected Jeong, Je-du’s academic theory not to fall into fiction and had an argument due to different views once in a while. Saying that Park Sim’s honorable integrity and virtue are helpful for those who study, Im Young recognized Park Sim as a rare talent in the world. The descendants of Goryeong Park Clan from 13-year-old Park, Su-lim to 20-year-old Park, Jang-won moved their habitation from Goryeong to Gyeonggido Jangdan. Park, Jang-won’s sons started to create the graveyard in Chungcheong Area in earnest. Most graves of Park, Jang-won’s descendants are distributed in Chungcheong Area. It was affected by Sapaeji (farmland granted by King) obtained while Park, Jang-won served as clerk and Hyeondal and especially, the descendants of Park, Mun-soo family lived together in Chungcheong Area. Park Sim is currently buried in Mt. Yanggak in Boryeong and Bunam (Hermitage near the grave) Geumgangam Hermitage where he usually practiced. Connecting Park Sim’s whereabouts with Boryeong Province, it can be seen that Chungcheong Area is the habitation of Goryeong Park Clan after Park, Jang-won and Boryeong is a place where Soron-based scholars of Song, Si-yeol and Yun Jeung, Park, Se-chae etc. who were in teacher-student relationship and companionship with Park Sim. At this point, there is the close relevance between Park Sim and Boryeong. In particular, given the fact that Park, Mun-soo often came to Nampo and Ungcheon to investigate incidents and see how the people live, Park, Mun-soo seems to have play an important role in selecting Park Sim’s grave.