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As F. R. Leavis emphasized, by associating seemingly contrary elements, Lawrence’s intelligence enables his work to penetrate into the nature of things and create a new relationship between things. Although T. S. Eliot harshly criticized Lawrence’s thought process that solely depended on his insight, ironically, Lawrence’s intelligence shares similarities with metaphysical poets who were well received by Eliot. Metaphysical Poets are known for their unique style of writing called “metaphysical conceit,” which is characterized by rapid association of thoughts and sudden contrasts. Similarly, juxtaposition of the seemingly heterogeneous experiences is conspicuous in Lawrence’s poems. The juxtaposition of sex and religion is a good example of his writing style. Lawrence argues that the sublime may exist in the realms of both sexuality and religion, breaking down the dividing walls of prejudice between the two. This attempt sheds light on sexuality as the divine source of life. Lawrence shows how the human senses are significant in the way of restoring organic relationship between the individual and the universe. Lawrence’s metaphysical conceits relate things ‘from the sublime with the commonplace’ in order to recover the primal correspondences between man and the universe. Constantly awaking readers, Lawrence focuses on a relationship between ‘the abstract and the concrete’. Transforming the abstract space into a concrete image is a way of understanding the new and strange world in the age of anxiety. By bringing attention to the significance of sensual understanding of space, this thesis tries to highlight the transformation of an abstract space into a specific experience. Lawrence’s metaphysical conceits elaborate the essence of his philosophy of “two-in-one”, which means contest in flux of the two in a relation. Therefore, contrary to Eliot’s self-contradictory and harsh criticism against Lawrence, Lawrence deserves to be reconsidered when his intelligence has fundamental common grounds with Donne’s.