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이 연구는 작가 손춘익의 동화창작(글쓰기)활동이 문학이 가지고 있는 치유(치료)적인 효과를 증명할 수 있는 사례로 판단하고 증명하였다. 큰 틀은 감정이입과 카타르시스의 분출이 바탕인 문학치료학적인 관점이다. 구체적으로는 저널치료로써 완성을 보이는 과정을 중․후기 장편 동화작품을 통해 살폈다. 저널쓰기는 일반적 글쓰기보다 자기 삶에 대한 반성과 성찰, 복원의 요소가 특히 드러난다. 따라서 개인의 무의식이 중요하다. 또한 미국에서는 연구로 검증된 프로그램들이 존재한다. 손춘익은 미국학자들이 언급한 이론과 방법들을 이미 사용하고 있었다. 게다가 전문적인 작가가 되어 자신의 상처를 치유하는 완성을 보여주는 좋은 사례다. 이론적으로는 무의식 상처에 깊이 연관된 ‘오이디푸스 콤플렉스’와 트라우마 ‘문화적 수치심’을 바탕으로 그의 상처가 무의식에 남아 작품에 어떻게 반영되었는지, 어떻게 표현되었고 변화되었는지 그 과정을 살폈다. 1장에서는 여러 문제제기를 했다. 2000년 사망한 작가의 작가론과 작품론 적인 연구가 활발해질 시기가 되었음을 언급했다. 동화와 소설, 수필, 동화평론 등 작품 활동과 아동문학문단과 소설 문단에서 활동에 비해 연구가 간과되었음을 지적하고 리얼리스트나 민족작가계열로 잘못 평가되었거나 모자랐음을 지적했다. 2장에서는 그의 어린 시절 환경과 아버지와 관계, 어머니의 역할을 제시했다. 3장과 4장은 작품을 비교 분석했다. 손춘익이 동화를 쓰는 것은 어린 시절의 자아를 불러내어 자신의 콤플렉스를 극복하는 과정이었다고 보고 작품에서 나타나는 변화를 통해 밝혔다. 기본 텍스트는 작가가 직접 서문에서부터 자신의 어린 시절 이야기라고 처음으로 밝힌 장편 동화4권이다. 4권은 내용이 연결된 전체3부 시리즈와도 같으며 작가 개인의 서사가 투영되었다. 1부와 1부 개작은 아버지를 서술하는 태도가 달라지는데 오이디푸스켐플렉스와 유년시절 문화적 수치심을 덜어냈음을 확인할 수 있다. 2부와 3부에서는 같은 사건을 겪는 주인공의 성격이 다르게 표현된다. 따라서 3장에서는 1부와 1부 개작을, 4장에서는 2부와 3부를 중심으로 비교했다.

This research thesis judges and proves that fairy-tale creation (writing compositions) activities by Choon-ik Sohn Author are the cases and examples which can have effects on literary therapy (treatment). In this context, the thesis reexamines the macro- viewpoints of empathy, and literary therapy that becomes the fundamental element of an exit of catharsis. Specifically, this explored, through mid- last term long-length fairy-tale works, the process in which is completed as journal therapy. Writing journal features especially as lessons, self-reflections and restorations of each human being individual life, compared with any other writing. Considering this fact, individual unconsciousness counts. In the U. S there are research programs that have gone through tests. Sohn Author has already used theories and methods that American scholars mentioned. Those programs show good cases and examples that as a professional author, Choon-ik Sohn Author completes healing his painful mental states through his literary works. The research thesis reviews how his heartbroken pain and sufferings are mirrored, expressed and changed in his literary works on the basis of the two factors: one is ‘Oedipus Complex’ deeply associated with his painful agony within his unconscious and another is a ‘sense of cultural shame’, owing to his trauma, in theory. Chapter 1 raises a lot of questions. The chapter mentions that in 2000 when Sohn Author died, the methods and researches on the literary works written by him were actively made. It points out that compared with literary activities that he undertook in fairy-tales, novels, essays, and fairy-tales reviews, and the children literary and novel worlds, the analytic researches on his works were disregarded and those literary works were misplaced and misclassified as realist or ethnic literary works. Chapter 2 presents the family background and the relationships with his father and mother that Sohn Author had in youth days. Chapter 3 and 4 conduct a comparative analysis of his literary works. The chapters view that Choon-ik Sohn wrote fairy-tales can be interpreted as the same context as the process in which he evokes up his ego that was rooted in his mind during youth days and is overcoming his inferior complex, and clarify such fact through the changing process that his literary works suggest. Serving as the primary texts are the four long-length fair-tales that the author describes, in the preface, about his youth days. The four book volumes constitute of the similar narrative structure with the total trilogy series of stories constantly developed, which reflect individual stories that the author has experienced in his lifetime. Section 1 and Adaption 1 depict the changing attitudes toward his father that the author has. To put it in another way, the scenes show that he relieved off his Oedipus Complex and a sense of cultural shame that he had during youth days. Section 2 and 3 represent the stark differences that the central character made after experiencing same events. Accordingly, Chapter 4 conducts a comparative analysis of Section 1 and Adaptation 1. Chapter 4 focuses mainly on Section 2 and 3.