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본 논문은 국제이주시대의 이주민에 대한 멤버십 모델과 관련하여 기존의 혈연과 민족적 연계에 기초한 국민적 멤버십 모델이 이주민의 사회적 통합에 적합하지 않기 때문에 새로운 멤버십의 모델이 필요하다는 문제의식에 기초하고 있다. 이러한 문제의식에 따라 이 연구는 멤버십에 관한 이론적 논의에 기초하여 ‘보편적 인간됨’에 기초한 새로운 멤버십의 모델로 ‘민주적 지역공동체 멤버십’을 제기하고 이를 충남지역의 결혼이주여성과 북한이탈여성의 사례를 통해 적용하고자 한다. 구체적 분석은 이주민의 수용을 위한 정부의 정책과 제도를 멤버십 지위와 권리라는 측면에서 질적으로 분석하였고, 지역공동체 멤버십의 현황과 수준은 충남 결혼이주여성과 북한이탈여성에 관한 설문조사를 비교 가능한 항목을 추출하여 분석 하였다. 연구결과에 따르면, 제도적 측면에서 결혼이주여성과 북한이탈여성은 공히 정부의 사회통합정책이라는 측면에서 사회적 권리 및 급여의 제공이 두드러졌다. 그러나 이는 양자 모두 시혜적 복지모델이라는 한계가 공통적으로 지적될 수 있다. 아울러 정치적 권리라는 측면에서 결혼이주여성은 장기 거주한 경우 지방선거권을 행사할 수 있는 등 정치적 대표성 제고를 위한 적극적 조치(affirmative action)가 시행되는 있는 반면 북한이탈여성은 국적취득 동시에 제 권리 행사가 가능하지만 이로부터 역으로 지역에서 정치 및 정책결정에 대표성이 보장될 수 있는 수 있는 대표체계가 미흡하다는 차이점을 보여주고 있다. 한편, 결혼이주여성과 북한이탈여성의 설문조사에 기초한 멤버십의 수준, 즉, 지역공동체 참여현황은 결혼이주여성이 북한이탈여성보다 지역사회 생활에서 더 어려움을 겪는 반면, 사회적 관계는 결혼이주여성이 북한이탈여성보다 더 긍정적으로 형성되고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 분석결과로부터 이주민의 지역공동체 멤버십의 향상을 위해서는 정부 차원에서 시혜적 통합정책의 동등한 사회통합정책으로의 변화, 이주민 특성에 맞는 정치적 대표체계의 개선, 사회적 관계와 참여 제고를 위한 이주민 현실과 특성에 맞는 맞춤형의 정책과 프로그램의 개발 등을 제언하였다.

This paper aims to analyze the membership model of immigrant in Korea in terms of case study of women marital immigrants and North Korean women defectors. In Korea, those of immigrants have been incorporated because of their special relationship with Korean. As for women marital immigrants, the main reason of integration is they marry Korean men and give birth to Korean baby. The North Koreans are considered to share same history and language with South Koreans. In spite of the Korean government' incorporation policy, they have criticized they have being treated as an alien and have experiencing discrimination. In order to overcome those problem, Korea needs to develop new integration policy, focusing on those immigrants' political membership. Instead of current membership model, based on sticking to the Korean blood ties, new membership model needs to be adapted to the immigrants, which focuses on universal personhood model, especially 'local community membership model'. According to the local community membership model, important thing is to participate in local community and communicate with aboriginal residents. In this paper, with those standards of local community membership model, women marital immigrants and North Korean women immigrants are analyzed and compared, using survey data of '2010 welfare plan for Chung-nam province'. As a result of this research, some characteristics of immigrants' membership are figured out, and new policy direction is able to be suggested. First, the social rights and benefits have to be provided based upon the equal right, not targeting on relief for the helpless. Second, in order to improve the political status of immigrant, affirmative action, like Representative of Immigrant in decision making institution of local government, is to be developed for, especially North Korean immigrants. Lastly, in terms of custom-developed policy for immigrant, while many diverse of social relations' promotion program are needed for North Korean women immigrant, women marital immigrants' program would be focused on removing the discriminative perception of aboriginal peoples about aliens.

This paper aims to analyze the membership model of immigrant in Korea in terms of case study of women marital immigrants and North Korean women defectors. In Korea, those of immigrants have been incorporated because of their special relationship with Korean. As for women marital immigrants, the main reason of integration is they marry Korean men and give birth to Korean baby. The North Koreans are considered to share same history and language with South Koreans. In spite of the Korean government' incorporation policy, they have criticized they have being treated as an alien and have experiencing discrimination. In order to overcome those problem, Korea needs to develop new integration policy, focusing on those immigrants' political membership. Instead of current membership model, based on sticking to the Korean blood ties, new membership model needs to be adapted to the immigrants, which focuses on universal personhood model, especially 'local community membership model'. According to the local community membership model, important thing is to participate in local community and communicate with aboriginal residents. In this paper, with those standards of local community membership model, women marital immigrants and North Korean women immigrants are analyzed and compared, using survey data of '2010 welfare plan for Chung-nam province'. As a result of this research, some characteristics of immigrants' membership are figured out, and new policy direction is able to be suggested. First, the social rights and benefits have to be provided based upon the equal right, not targeting on relief for the helpless. Second, in order to improve the political status of immigrant, affirmative action, like Representative of Immigrant in decision making institution of local government, is to be developed for, especially North Korean immigrants. Lastly, in terms of custom-developed policy for immigrant, while many diverse of social relations' promotion program are needed for North Korean women immigrant, women marital immigrants' program would be focused on removing the discriminative perception of aboriginal peoples about aliens.