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The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that were associated with the prescription of hypnotics in inpatients of a large mental hospital. The medical records were reviewed in 402 inpatients who were admitting in Bugok National Mental Hospital at October 2, 1996. The results were as follows-' 1) Fifty-one percent of the whole group received a hypnotics at least once during hospitalization. 2) The prescription of hypnotics by routine order of doctor in charge was more frequent in female patients than male patients. 3) The prescription of hypnotics by routine order of doctor in charge was more freauent in patients whose doctor in charge was a psychiatric specialist than patients whose doctor in charge was a psychiatric resident. 4) The prescription of hypnotics by p.r.n. order of doctor in charge was more frequent in patients whose doctor in charge was a first-year psychiatric resident or a psychiatric specialist than a second, a third, or a forth-year psychiatric resident. 5) Age, duration of illness, frequency of admission, and diagnosis were not significantly associated with frequency of hypnotics prescription. These findings suggest that the prescription of hypnotics in inpatients of Bugok National Mental Hospital was positively associated with patient's sex and duration of service of doctor in charge.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that were associated with the prescription of hypnotics in inpatients of a large mental hospital. The medical records were reviewed in 402 inpatients who were admitting in Bugok National Mental Hospital at October 2, 1996. The results were as follows-' 1) Fifty-one percent of the whole group received a hypnotics at least once during hospitalization. 2) The prescription of hypnotics by routine order of doctor in charge was more frequent in female patients than male patients. 3) The prescription of hypnotics by routine order of doctor in charge was more freauent in patients whose doctor in charge was a psychiatric specialist than patients whose doctor in charge was a psychiatric resident. 4) The prescription of hypnotics by p.r.n. order of doctor in charge was more frequent in patients whose doctor in charge was a first-year psychiatric resident or a psychiatric specialist than a second, a third, or a forth-year psychiatric resident. 5) Age, duration of illness, frequency of admission, and diagnosis were not significantly associated with frequency of hypnotics prescription. These findings suggest that the prescription of hypnotics in inpatients of Bugok National Mental Hospital was positively associated with patient's sex and duration of service of doctor in charge.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Large mental hospital • Inpatients • Insomnia • Hypnotics.