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본 연구는 우리나라 여성의 성기능을 측정하기 위해서 Quirk 등16)이 개발한 SFQ-V1을 우리말로 번안하여 그 신뢰도와 타당도를 검증하였다. 먼저 문항분석 결과 원 척도의 31개 문항 중에 28개 문항이 선정되었고, 이를 SFQ-K로 명명하였다. SFQ-K에 대한 내적 일치도와 반분법 신뢰도 계수 모두 통계적으로 유의하여 신뢰도가 높은 척도임이 확인되었다. 문항간 상관계수와 수정된 문항-총합 상관계수도 유의하였다. 요인분석 결과 5개의 요인이 추출되었는데, 각각 ‘성적 반응’⋅‘성욕’⋅‘동통’⋅‘질 외 성행위’⋅‘만족감’으로 명명하였다. 다른 척도와 상관관계를 분석한 결과 BISF-W(요인 1, 2, 3)와 높은 양의 상관관계에 있었고, BDI와 약한 음의 상관관계가 있었으며, SWLS와는 약한 양의 상관관계가 있었다. 따라서 우리나라 여성을 대상으로 여성 성기능을 측정하기 위한 SFQ-K의 신뢰도와 타당도가 입증되었다.

Objectives : To develop a Sexual Function Questionnaire-Korean version(SFQ-K) for measuring the female sexual dysfunction and to verify both reliability and validity of the Korean version Methods : Data from 320 women residing in Daegu city and Gyungbuk states were collected. 230 women out of all subjects completed a psychometric assessment package which included the SFQ-K, Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) and Satisfaction with Life Scale(SWLS). Brief Index of Sexual Function for Women(BISF-W) was also administered to the other 90 women. Item analysis, split-half reliability, internal consistency reliability, content validity, construct validity and concurrent validity of the SFQ-K were evaluated. Results : 1) 3 items were removed from the English version of SFQ(consist in 31 items) as a results of item analysis, 28 items were selected in SFQ-K. 2) SFQ-K showed high internal consistency(Cronbach`s alpha=0.957). 3) SFQ-K demonstrated high split-half reliability(Spearman-Brown coefficients r= 0.7677-0.951). 4) The principal component analysis for SFQ-K produced the five identical factors explaining 71.429% of total variance. The five domains of female sexual function were sexual response, desire, pain, non-coital sexual activity, satisfaction 5) The total scores of SFQ-K showed a significant correlation with the sexual function factor scores of BISW-F(Person`s correlation coefficients r=0.853,p<0.01). 6) The total scores of SFQ-K showed a weak correlation with the total scores of BDI(Person`s correlation coefficients r=-0.260,p<0.01) and SWLS(Person`s correlation coefficients r=0.272,p<0.01). Conclusion : SFQ-K is thought to have a good reliability and validity that be used for Korean women subjects.

Objectives : To develop a Sexual Function Questionnaire-Korean version(SFQ-K) for measuring the female sexual dysfunction and to verify both reliability and validity of the Korean version Methods : Data from 320 women residing in Daegu city and Gyungbuk states were collected. 230 women out of all subjects completed a psychometric assessment package which included the SFQ-K, Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) and Satisfaction with Life Scale(SWLS). Brief Index of Sexual Function for Women(BISF-W) was also administered to the other 90 women. Item analysis, split-half reliability, internal consistency reliability, content validity, construct validity and concurrent validity of the SFQ-K were evaluated. Results : 1) 3 items were removed from the English version of SFQ(consist in 31 items) as a results of item analysis, 28 items were selected in SFQ-K. 2) SFQ-K showed high internal consistency(Cronbach`s alpha=0.957). 3) SFQ-K demonstrated high split-half reliability(Spearman-Brown coefficients r= 0.7677-0.951). 4) The principal component analysis for SFQ-K produced the five identical factors explaining 71.429% of total variance. The five domains of female sexual function were sexual response, desire, pain, non-coital sexual activity, satisfaction 5) The total scores of SFQ-K showed a significant correlation with the sexual function factor scores of BISW-F(Person`s correlation coefficients r=0.853,p<0.01). 6) The total scores of SFQ-K showed a weak correlation with the total scores of BDI(Person`s correlation coefficients r=-0.260,p<0.01) and SWLS(Person`s correlation coefficients r=0.272,p<0.01). Conclusion : SFQ-K is thought to have a good reliability and validity that be used for Korean women subjects.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Sexual Function Questionnaire-Korean version(SFQ-K), Female Sexual Function Scale, relability, Validity