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목 적: 음식을 충분히 섭취한 정신분열병 환자에서 비정형 항정신병 약물 관련 음식 갈망 뇌 구조물 탐색. 방 법: 배고픔을 배제한 음식에 대한 갈망만의 뇌회로를 탐색하기 위해 음식을 충분히 섭취한 상태에서 음식물과 무생물 사진을 비정형 항정신병 약물을 복용 중인 정신분열병 집단 및 정상 대조 집단에게 수동적으로 보여주면서 기능적 뇌영상을 촬영하였다. 자극 파라다임은 24초짜리 세 블록으로 구성된 음식물 혹은 무생물 사진들로 구성된 블록 디자인을 사용하였다. 집단 별 음식 갈망 관련 뇌 회로, 두 집단 간 음식 갈망 관련 뇌 활성도 차이, 뇌 활성도와 임상 변인과의 상관계를 SPM2를 이용하여 분석하였다.

Objectives:To explore the neural correlates of antipsychotics related food craving in schizophrenic patients Methods:A T2*-weighted echoplanar imaging sequences obtained were used to collect 120 BOLD images during the passive seeing of food paradigm after meal. The food paradigm was consisted of three blocks of food pictures and three blocks of pictures of natural thing in both ten healthy volunteers and schizophrenic patients having second generation antipsychotics. The imaging data were investigated to find differences in the food cue and craving related network between healthy volunteers and schizophrenic patients after meal. The relationship between food cue or craving related neural activity and clinical variable was explored. Activation maps were acquired by means of the random effect model using SPM2. Results:Less extensive food cue and craving related regions were activated in schizophrenic patients having second generation antipsychotics after meal. Neural activities of both hypothalamus and thalamus were correlated with the prescribed duration of current antipsychotics. Conclusions:This study demonstrated that schizophrenic patients’ brain is less respond to food cue after meal even though they are having second generation antipsychotics. The decrease of hypothalamic activity could explain the plateau phenomenon or decrease of both food craving and body weight according to persistent second generation antipsychotic medication.

Objectives:To explore the neural correlates of antipsychotics related food craving in schizophrenic patients Methods:A T2*-weighted echoplanar imaging sequences obtained were used to collect 120 BOLD images during the passive seeing of food paradigm after meal. The food paradigm was consisted of three blocks of food pictures and three blocks of pictures of natural thing in both ten healthy volunteers and schizophrenic patients having second generation antipsychotics. The imaging data were investigated to find differences in the food cue and craving related network between healthy volunteers and schizophrenic patients after meal. The relationship between food cue or craving related neural activity and clinical variable was explored. Activation maps were acquired by means of the random effect model using SPM2. Results:Less extensive food cue and craving related regions were activated in schizophrenic patients having second generation antipsychotics after meal. Neural activities of both hypothalamus and thalamus were correlated with the prescribed duration of current antipsychotics. Conclusions:This study demonstrated that schizophrenic patients’ brain is less respond to food cue after meal even though they are having second generation antipsychotics. The decrease of hypothalamic activity could explain the plateau phenomenon or decrease of both food craving and body weight according to persistent second generation antipsychotic medication.