초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this study, symptoms, pathologies, compositions and clinical applications of 52 prescriptions for woman-related disease treatment descripted in Bang Yahk Hap Peun were investigated. The results were same as following; Classification of prescriptions for woman-related disease treatments was 23 prescriptions in high-chepter, prescriptions in 16 medium-chepter, and prescriptions in 13 low-chepter prescriptions and the frequency of clinical applications for high-chepter, medium-chepter and low-chepter prescriptions was 44%, 31% and 25%, respectively. Clinical applications of woman-related disease prescriptions were identified according to pre-pregnancy and post-birth, uterus, breast disease, before pregnancy. Inferfile, emmeniopathy, uterus Blooding made practical application to high frequency in the treatments. Oriental Medical Pathology applied with prescriptions were Biheo(脾虛), Ganbinoyool(肝脾怒鬱), Infirmity(虛弱), 熱入血室, Jungpung(中風), Gihyulguheo(氣血俱虛), hyulheo(血虛), Aeohyul(瘀血) etc. Prescriptions applied with the most frequency in woman-related disease were Samuoltang(四物湯), Sagunjatang(四君子湯), Gungkuitang(芎歸湯), Boanbaekchuolsan(保安白朮散), Dangguibohyeltang(當歸補血湯), Sanhyointang(酸棗仁湯), Dohongsamuoltang(桃紅四物湯), Jipeisan(芷貝散), Silsosan(失笑散).

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Bang Yahk Hap Peun, woman-related disease, classification of prescriptions, clinical applications, oriental Medical Pathology, Samuoltang(四物湯), Biheo(脾虛)