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痺證이란 風寒濕邪가 經絡에 침입하여 氣血의 흐름을 가로막음으로 인해 關節과 肌肉에 痛, 拘急 등이 발생하는 질병이다7). 痺證 발생의 대부분은 陽氣陰精不足이 內因이 되고 風寒濕熱之邪가 外因이 되며 일반적으로 발병 시에는 邪實이 主가 되고 病位는 肢體皮肉經絡에 있으며 久病에는 대부분 正虛邪變 또는 虛實挾雜하며 病位는 深部의 筋骨과 臟腑에 있다8).본 환자는 우측 하지 감각 저하, 양측 수지 관절의 구축을 주된 증상으로 하고 족하수로 인한 보행장애 및 배뇨 배변 곤란을 부수적 증상으로 수반하였다. 이에 2007년 2월 14일 본원 외래에 내원하여 2007년 2월 21일부터 2007년 5월 18일까지 입원 치료를 실시하여 약물치료, 침구치료 등 한방치료 단독으로 들어가서 전반적인 호전을 보인 환자 1례를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다.

Acute transverse myelitis(ATM) is defined as an acute intramedullary dysfunction of the spinal cord, ascendng or static involving both halves of the cord and appearing without any history of previous neurological diseases due to traumatic accident, tumor of all kind, encephalitis and of course excluding all possible viral, bacterial and fungal infection. It is mainly characterized by acute motor disorder of both limbs in respect to which spinal segments are affected as well as sensory disorder and dysuria & dyschezia. The exact cause is unknown, however it is recently suggested that immunological factors are highly involved. It has been reported by several reliable sources that it is often accompanied by immunological diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE). As treatments non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDS) are primarily recommended as to steroids, limited doses are injected only with the proper prescription from the physician. Operative methods are not options as traumatic accidents and tumors are excluded as factors. To enhance muscle strength and prevent articular contracture physical therapy and passive exercise is imperative. The following patient whose chief complaints were mainly about hypoesthesia of Rt. lower limb and stiffness of phalanges of both fingers as well as to weakness of lower extermity. Therefore it has been diagnosed as arthalgia syndrome. In oriental medicine factors such as wind evil heat-evil, dampness-heat evil, cold evil cause the arthalgia syndrome. In this case the patient was diagnosed as dampness-heat evil and herbal medicine Chunglijagam-Tang and Dong-Qi acupuncture was applied to treat bladder disorder.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

acute transverse myelitis(ATM), arthalgia syndrome(痺症),dampness-heat evil(濕熱邪), Chunglijagam-Tang(淸離滋坎湯), Dong-Qi acupuncture(董氏針法)