초록 열기/닫기 버튼

According to 《HwangJeNaeKyung》 and 《DongOuiBoGham》, Taeum is strongly related to dampness, earth, and center. The origin of Taeum is dampness and the presentation of it is dryness, thus spleen plays a greater role than lung in physiologic and pathologic aspect. Taeum meridian cooperates with Soeum and Guelum meridian, and spreads yin gi through spleen and lung meridian. Among six meridian types that are invented by Ji-San, Taeum type possesses lowered eyes and nose and displays characteristics of Taeum disease. Instead of five jang organs and six bu organs, meridians are major factor of Taeum type. Thus SiDongByung (disease of gi) and SoSaengByung (disease of blood) are considered more significantly than internal and external symptoms of organs. Personality of Taeum type is realistic, pragmatic, diligent, and occasionally selfish. Medications for Taeum type are described as following. GwakHyangJungKi-San or InSamYangWi-Tang can be considered for the complication of intrinsic and extrinsic diseases, which are caused by yin symptom of SangHan. If cold stomach affected by Taeum disease causes an abdominal pain and diarrhea, YiJoong-Tang or PalMiYiJoong-Tang are suggested.