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To have effective treatment for shoulder arm pain, we searched the cause, symptom, etiology, classification of the pain areas, acupuncture points, and muscles along the meridians, and acquired the following results. Shoulder-pain is mainly divided into the malfunction of viscera and entrails, damage due to the weakness of essence and qi, abnormal status of muscle function, change of joints, disease in the nerve and vessel, and the internal injury due to seven modes of emotions. Pain of shoulder joints are pain in the local area of shoulder joints, referred pain of shoulder, neck, and shoulder-arm, numbnes and swelling of muscle, and muslce weakness. Shoulder-arm pain is classified as four types of pain: shoulder-joint pain, shoulder-back pain, shoulder-chest pain, and shoulder-arm-elbow pain. And shoulder-arm-elbow pain is again divided into the shoulder-blade pain, shoulder-arm pain, shoulder-elbow pain. The related meridians on shoulder pain are the three yin meridians of hand, Kidney Meridian, Conception Meridian, three yang meridians of hand, Bladder Meridian, Governor Meridian Acupuncture points for shoulder pain are in the acupuncture points of the 10 meridians and a-shi points. Thre related meridian muscles on shoulder-pain are the three yin and yang meridians of hand, and their related muscles are the ones that are connected with the front, back, and chest side muscles of shoulder joints, and the ones that are connected with the front and back side muscles of arm.