초록 열기/닫기 버튼

We are building an Korean Medicine ontology and disassembling indication terms of medicinal materials and formulas. When we disassemble these terms, an expert can disagree about another expert’s result, so participants have to consider another opinion and verify each other concurrently. To achieve this, we have developed a web-based tool that support users in refining terms, disassembling them into the minimum meaning efficiently. With this tool, plural participants refer to each other and make use of this as a verification method. This would have enabled participants to achieve consensus. Due to the nature of the traditional Korean Medicine knowledge which have rich implications and is complicated,E there would be a various result of refinement, disassembly, analysis and another processing. This tool assists users in minimizing the differences and maintaining objectivity by agreement. We have refined and analyzed 4,756 terms from materials and formulas indication in Korean Medicine ontology using this tool. And we concluded that disassembled data increases the percentage of linkage between diseases and medicinal treatments and established an infrastructure for the extensible knowledge.