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이 글은 태풍 ‘루사’로 인한 자연재해를 계기로 재난 재해 방송의 역할과 기능, 우리 나라 재난 재해 방송체계, 태풍 ‘루사’ 관련 실제 재난 재해 방송의 사례를 KBS1TV와 MBCTV의 9시 뉴스, SBSTV의 8시 뉴스를 중심으로 살펴본 것이다. 그리고 우리 나라 재난 재해 방송이 지닌 문제점을 도출하고 이를 해결하는 방안을 모색하는 데 중점을 두고 있다.

My country was badly damaged from the typhoon ‘Rusa’ on August 31 and September 1. In this article, the role and function of broadcasting was investigated when the disaster, particularly ‘Rusa’, happened. The chapter 2 dealt with the domestic structure of disaster broadcasting. The 9 o’clock KBS 1TV & MBC TV news of the disaster was analysed in the chapter 3. The following chapters inquired into the problems with the disaster broadcasting and foreign cases of disaster broadcasting and some solutions were suggested.

My country was badly damaged from the typhoon ‘Rusa’ on August 31 and September 1. In this article, the role and function of broadcasting was investigated when the disaster, particularly ‘Rusa’, happened. The chapter 2 dealt with the domestic structure of disaster broadcasting. The 9 o’clock KBS 1TV & MBC TV news of the disaster was analysed in the chapter 3. The following chapters inquired into the problems with the disaster broadcasting and foreign cases of disaster broadcasting and some solutions were suggested.