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1990년대 이후 세계 각국의 텔레비전들은 갈수록 기존 텔레비전 장르구분의 기본 축인 현실과 허구를 혼합하는 경향, 즉 재미를 위해 정보와 다큐멘터리에 허구적 논리를 적용해 가공하는 경향과 현실에서 영감을 얻은 픽션물을 방송하는 경향을 보이고 있다. 이러한 전반적인 장르개선 경향 속에서 현실과 허구의 경계 위에서 탄생한 것이 리얼리티 프로그램이다. 일 세대 리얼리티 쇼가 보통사람들의 일상 생활을 재연하고 거기에 개입하는 것을 목표로 했다면, 이 세대 리얼리티 쇼들은 일상생활이 벌어질 상황 자체를 텔레비전에 적합하게 연출하여 여기에서 벌어지는 일상의 경험을 방송하는 방향으로 발전했다. 삼 세대 리얼리티 프로그램들은 한 걸음 더 나아가 현실의 재연과 연출 기법을 역사 다큐멘터리 제작에 도입하였다. 복잡한 현대사회의 현실인식 과정에서 텔레비전이 차지하는 중요한 역할을 고려한 다면, 텔레비전에 일반화된 이러한 현실/허구 혼합 경향과 다세대 리얼리티 프로그램 의 현실재연과 현실연출은, 수용자를 끊임없이 일종의 더블 바인드(double bind) 상황에 놓이게 하고 현실에 대한 구체적인 기준을 상실시킬 위험도 있다.

Since 1990’s has been observed the mixing of reality and fiction in the world television programs : the fiction treatment of informative contents and the fiction programs inspired by the real human interest story. The Reality programs are created as a new television genre on the border between reality and fiction. The first generation of reality programs invented the reconstruction practice of everyday life experience of ordinary person and intervened it to solve the eventual private and public problems. Second generation of reality programs, marked by world successful audience of “Big Brother”, practiced the mise en sc、ene of real life situation, which can produce telegenic sequences and characters. The last generation of reality programs introduced these techniques, in other words, the reconstruction and the mise en sc、ene techniques of real life, into historic documentary programs. Regarding the important television role in the reality construction process in the complicated modern society, television reality programs’mixing practices of reality and fiction may put the audiences into Double Bind situation and let them lose the sense of reality and its references.

Since 1990’s has been observed the mixing of reality and fiction in the world television programs : the fiction treatment of informative contents and the fiction programs inspired by the real human interest story. The Reality programs are created as a new television genre on the border between reality and fiction. The first generation of reality programs invented the reconstruction practice of everyday life experience of ordinary person and intervened it to solve the eventual private and public problems. Second generation of reality programs, marked by world successful audience of “Big Brother”, practiced the mise en sc、ene of real life situation, which can produce telegenic sequences and characters. The last generation of reality programs introduced these techniques, in other words, the reconstruction and the mise en sc、ene techniques of real life, into historic documentary programs. Regarding the important television role in the reality construction process in the complicated modern society, television reality programs’mixing practices of reality and fiction may put the audiences into Double Bind situation and let them lose the sense of reality and its references.