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본 연구는 국가수준 학업성취도 평가에 참여하기 어려운 장애학생의 학업성취도를 추정하기 위한 대안평가 도구로서 활동표본평가를 제안하고, 활동표본평가에 대하여 타당도와 신뢰도 측면에서 대안평가로서의 적합성 인식을 분석하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 2009 개정 교육과정 수학과 도형영역의 학업기준에 Meisels(1995)의「Work Sampling System」의 평가방법 및 절차를 도입하여 활동표본평가를 구성하였고, 미국 교육부(2003)에서 제시한 대안평가의 조건을 근거로 하여 대안평가 적합성 인식 검사를 구안하였다. 이후 특수교육 교사 15명을 각각 실험집단과 통제집단을 선정하여 실험집단은 활동표본평가를 적용하고 통제집단은 관찰법을 적용한 후 대안평가 적합성 인식 검사를 실시하여 그 효과의 차이를 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 대안평가 도구로서 타당도와 신뢰도 측면에서 활동표본평가를 적용한 실험집단이 관찰법을 실시한 통제집단에 비해 사후점수가 사전점수보다 유의하게 높은 점수를 보였다. 따라서 중증 지적장애학생의 학업성취도에 대한 체계적 관리를 위해서 대안평가 도구로서 기존의 관찰법보다는 활동표본평가를 적용하는 것이 타당도 인식과 신뢰도 인식 측면에서 적합하다고 할 수 있다.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the suitability of work sampling system by investigating the special education teachers' perception on the use of work sampling system as alternate assessment tool. For this purpose, research questions were set as follows. First, when work sampling system as alternate assessment has been applied to the special education teachers, what is the difference on the special education teachers' before and after validity perception? Second, when work sampling system as alternate assessment has been applied to the special education teachers, what is the difference on the special education teachers' before and after reliability perception ? On the purpose, 30 elementary special education teachers were selected for the experimental group and comparative group with 15 teachers respectively. ANCOVA were used to verify the differences. The result of this study is as follows. First, the experiment group that had been treated with work sampling system showed significant improvement in their perception of validity as alternate assessment rather than comparative group that had been treated with observation assessment. In particular, the experiment group showed significant improvement in their perception of validity as alternate assessment about assessment process. Second, the experiment group that had been treated with work sampling system showed significant improvement in their perception of reliability as alternate assessment rather than comparative group that had been treated with observation assessment. the experiment group didn't only show significant improvement about assessment process but also about assessment outcomes in their perception of reliability as alternate assessment. As seen above, special education teachers improved their perception of validity, reliability for alternate assessment by using work sampling system. Special education teachers need to consider work sampling system as a useful alternate assessment tool ensured with validity and reliability. Therefore, work sampling system should be suitable to the students as an alternate assessment tool.