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In the ubiquitous society, a new approach appears in relation to the power of Information Panopticon and Information Synopticon. As a result of that, a new relationship of power is made. People making this relationship of power are the elite group who are alienated from the state or mass media. But internet, multi-media and multi-channel provide them with a new field.Nevertheless, the group, who design and manage Information Panopticon in our society, still have the power. So the power elite controls Information Panopticon, and the governed people are outside the power network. However, this relationship is slowly changed by the personal media revolution, where a relationship of unilateral communication proceeds to that of bilateral communication. Since multi-centered or scattered network is made in the bilateral environment, Information Panopticon is realized.The right of expression in the ubiquitous society, which includes home-page, blog and notepad in the network, would be the fundamental right. This attracts attention of nation and mass-media. Although the right of Information Synopticon is not still established as the essential right, it seems to be accepted in refutation, readers column, opinion, ombudsman section, environment issue, consumption problem, politics problem, and society problem.