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본 연구는 지방의 산업 육성 전략을 제안하는 정책논문이다. 육성 전략을 제안하기 위해 본 연구는 세계적인 산업 패러다임의 변화를 ① 세계화, ② 후기포디즘, ③ 지역에너지로 정식화한다. 이러한 세계적인 패러다임을 기회와 위기로 상정하고, 한국의 주체가 대응을 비판적으로 분석한다. 특히 지역의제를 가장 집중적으로 추진한 노무현 정부시기가 분석 대상이다. 분석의 교훈은 ① 사전적 측면에서의 신산업지구(클러스터론)에의 과도한 경도, ② 국가 차원과 지역 차원의 의제와 해당 주체의 역할의 불명확한 구분과 책임소재가, 지역 산업 정책의 양과 비중에도 불구하고 그 성과가 불투명한 결과를 낳았다는 것이다. 이러한 과거의 경험을 현실적 기반으로 삼아, 본 연구는 ① 사후적 클러스터화(기술기반중견기업중심의 기업생태계), ② 장인적·지연적 지역 산업, ③ 지역 에너지 공급 산업의 지역화를 전략으로 제시한다. 그리고 이의 효율적 추진을 위해서는 지자체는 미시적 산업 육성의 책임과 권한을 맡고 정부는 지자체를 넘어서는 대규모 거점 프로젝트에 집중할 것을 제안하고 있다.

This policy paper suggests strategies for regional industry development. This research beginns with three key environmental features: (1) globalisation (2) post-Fordism (3) local energy. And this paper critically reviews experiences and policy responses of South Korea. In particular, President Rho's government is the main focus because it put a very high priority on regional industry development and exersised a wide range of policy instruments. The lesson from the review is that (1) its overemphasis on cluster-oriented regional development and (2) its concentration of power and budget in the hands of central government incurred a various aspects of coordination failure between central and local government. Based on this lesson, this paper suggests three dimensions of regional industry strategy: (1) ex-post clusterisation starting from existing industrial seeds, not ex-ante target of cluster (2) craft based or regionally embedded industries (3) local energy related firms and their spillover effects on the local economy. And finally, this paper delivers its concern that there should be a clear division of role between central and local government; while local government be in charge of micro-level industry development under her own discretion, central government should focus on targeted mega projects to attract people and to boost the local market for regional products.

This policy paper suggests strategies for regional industry development. This research beginns with three key environmental features: (1) globalisation (2) post-Fordism (3) local energy. And this paper critically reviews experiences and policy responses of South Korea. In particular, President Rho's government is the main focus because it put a very high priority on regional industry development and exersised a wide range of policy instruments. The lesson from the review is that (1) its overemphasis on cluster-oriented regional development and (2) its concentration of power and budget in the hands of central government incurred a various aspects of coordination failure between central and local government. Based on this lesson, this paper suggests three dimensions of regional industry strategy: (1) ex-post clusterisation starting from existing industrial seeds, not ex-ante target of cluster (2) craft based or regionally embedded industries (3) local energy related firms and their spillover effects on the local economy. And finally, this paper delivers its concern that there should be a clear division of role between central and local government; while local government be in charge of micro-level industry development under her own discretion, central government should focus on targeted mega projects to attract people and to boost the local market for regional products.