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For Zukofsky, a poem is an object in that it is objectified by embodying a dynamic structure corresponding to the order of interacting things in nature. Being an object, it is a ‘rested totality,’ a perfect thing like a thing in the creative process of nature. He finds the poetic model of nature’s dynamic order in music because to him musical movement is in line with the dynamic order of nature. A poem is then a musical thing that affects our mind not with the tonal features of words but with the movement of meanings corresponding to the movement of the sounds of a musical work. “A”-1’s fugal form is a good example that shows how a poem can acquire the order of nature by adopting a musical form. The fugue is not a fixed form but an organic structure that develops a subject into different motifs through its contrapuntal repetitions and allows new material to be brought into complement. Likewise, “A”-1’s structure is not confined to a narrative frame: it enables its elements to reoccur in amplified and metamorphosed forms and interplay with each other through the interactive relations that transcend the logic of a narrative. The interplay of repeated particulars begets a dynamic movement among them like the movement of sounds in a fugue.