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Denise Levertov took up the task to hold the poetic stance to oppose to the Vietnam War from the middle of the 1960s through the end of the War. Even with the harsh criticism and assessment that her Vietnam war poetry declined to the level of propaganda, she did keep her poetics that a poet should concentrate on the poetic subject and his/her inner response or meditative process toward it, which would be her experience in the world as a poet. It is her judgment and her attitude on Vietnam war revealed in her poems with which this essay concerned. Denise Levertov’s Vietnam war poetry transcends the traditional assumption that art and politics cannot be compatible. She actively involves readers in the poetic process by stimulating their imagination with striking descriptions of the war field with reality and by raising their consciousness to her arguments that 1)the war itself would be the trigger of meditation on human beings, 2)the war is the incarnation of human evil, 3)the defeated people seems to be destroyed, but the will to live among them is enlivened stronger than among the victorious one, whom death prevails on. With these Denise Levertov shows her profound emotions and convictions armed with substance, content, and intellectual richness in her Vietnam war poems.