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Interest in various trans-cultural transitions that cross the preexistent boundaries is likely to become a cultural trend, growing beyond an academic tendency. For designating all this phenomena by notion of "trans-boundary", we need to make a close reexamination on the mechanism and essence of the notion of boundary. In this paper we will try cultural semiotic approach to the notion of boundary, in particular, theory of Yu. Lotman. Evolutionary process of his theoretic argument, from the "cultural typology" to the notion of "semiosphere", has a close connection with the reflection around the notion of boundary. Lotmanian notion of boundary ranges from principle of "oppositional demarcation" between I (We) and You (They) to the bi- and "multilingual translation mechanism" that presupposes inner heterogeneity and creative transformation. What is naturally revealed in the process of investigation - the inevitability of semiotic sort of "mixing" which occurs "in between" places, and the paradoxical power of this heterogeneous construct for renewing the system itself.