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This paper is to study the divine manifestation's aspect to be shown in folktale of hero-character. Folktale has narrative of action about character. At this time, NamiJanggun, Kyungum, Rim become accepted as the divine,based on heroic action. But such as humane death in the situation of ordeal,their narrative are differently unfolded to mythical character. Thru semiotic approach, this paper studies the divine manifestation's aspect of character who has humane but heroic aspect. In order to discuss aspects of divine manifestation of hero-character in folktale, this paper uses inter-semiotic approach of narrative-icon-rite about NamiJanggun. In the Rite of NamiJanggunsadang, a rite in connection of symbolic message to be passed in narrative of NamiJanggun folktale and aspects of narrative-communication will be examined first. If Dangol's narrative of divine manifestation thru NamiJanggun folktale is understand,these message is generated and communicated only through a particular context of rite. Therefore, by participating Dangol, it can be recognized the act for divine meaning to be expressed in NamiJanggun folktale. The Divinity that appears in the Namijanggunsadang-gut is the complete godhead to give Dangol to temporal blessings. This is different from the godhead presented in NamiJanggun folktale, which incompleted godhead. Therefore, in this paper, by the aspects connecting the gap between the godhead in NamiJanggun folktale and the godhead that appears in Namijanggunsadang-gut, it will note the Dangol's participation of process in ancestral rites. Next, the Panting of Shaman God to be expressed in the manifestation of the divinity is remarkable. The Panting of Shaman God will be discussed regarding the manifestation's aspect after being called by shaman, beyond reappearance of simple NamiJanggun folktale's character in terms of time. Thru the above discussion, in this paper, the divinity, which was showed the divine manifestation will be described in terms of aspects produced by self-reference, based on the Dangol's life not transcendental and metaphysical.