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브랜드개성과자아이미지일치성에관한다양한연구들이진행되어왔지만기존의연구들은브랜드개성과자아이미지일치성에관한선행요인과영향력을밝히는단편적인연구들은중심으로이루어져왔다. 본연구에서는 브랜드 개성과 자아이미지 일치성이 브랜드 동일시(brand identification)와 브랜드 애착(brand attachment)의매개적역할을통해브랜드충성도에어떠한영향을미치는지를심층적으로살펴보았다. 의류브랜드를중심으로연구한결과, 브랜드개성과자아이미지와의일치성은브랜드동일시와브랜드애착,브랜드충성도에긍정적영향을미치는것이확인되었으며, 브랜드동일시는브랜드애착과충성도에긍정적영향을미치며, 브랜드애착은브랜드충성도에유의한영향을미치는것으로나타났다.

This study examines how the congruence between brand personality and self-image influences brand loyalty through such mediating variables as brand identification and brand attachment. The results show that the congruence between brand personality and self-image significantly and positively affects brand identification, brand attachment, and brand loyalty. Brand Attachment mediates the effect of brand identification on brand loyalty, and it directly affects brand loyalty as well. However, brand identification did not have direct effect on brand loyalty.