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본연구에서는시판되고있는일반의약품에표시된정보를소비자들이어느정도나이해하고, 합리적으로선택 할수있는지조사하였으며, 소비자개인의특성에따라의약품표시에대한소비자능력에어떠한차이가있는지분석하였다. 구체적인연구결과는다음과같다. 첫째, 의약품표시에대한소비자지식은10개의문항에응답자가정답을맞춘문항수는평균3.82문항인것으로나타나의약품표시에대한전반적인지식수준은낮은것으로나타났다. 둘째, 의약품표시에대한소비자태도를평가하는유용성, 신뢰성, 중요도, 이해도의결과는유용성이3.87로 가장높았으며다음으로중요도3.82, 신뢰성3.56, 이해도가3.37로나타나상대적으로다른소비자태도영역보다이해도에대한점수가낮은것으로나타났다. 셋째, 의약품표시사항에대한소비자행동을평가하는확인정도와활용정도의경우각각3.31, 3.36로나타나확인정도보다는활용정도의점수가높은것으로나타났다. 넷째, 소비자지식, 소비자태도, 소비자행동간의상관관계를살펴보면소비자지식과소비자태도가.070, 소비자지식과소비자행동이.127, 소비자태도와소비자행동이.708로나타나소비자태도과소비자행동간의관계가비교적높은것으로나타났다. 마지막으로개인변수와건강변수에따른소비자능력의결과를살펴보면소비자지식의경우교육년수와연령이 높아질수록평균값이높아지는것으로나타났고, 소비자태도또한연령, 교육년수, 건강상태, 건강관리관심도 값의증가에따라평균값이높아졌으며, 소비자행동또한연령, 건강상태, 건강관리관심도값의증가에따라평균값이높아지는것으로나타났다.

This study examined how much of the information on the packaging of over the counter medicine consumers understood and used for rational decision making, and analyzed if there was any difference in the consumer’s competency to understand the information provided on the medication according to personal characteristics. The results are as follows;First, consumers gave correct answers to 3.82 questions on average out of 10 questions regarding the information on medication, which means consumers’ overall knowledge level is low. Second, to find out the consumer’ attitudes on the information on medication, the usefulness, reliability,and understanding of information were evaluated. The usefulness score was the highest at 3.87, followed by the importance score at 3.82, reliability score at 3.56, and the understanding score at 3.37. It means consumers’ understanding is lower than other areas of consumer attitudes. Third, to find out consumer behaviors regarding the information on medication, consumers’ information check and utilization behaviors were evaluated. The information check score was 3.31 and utilization score was 3.36, and the utilization score was slightly higher than the check score. Fourth, the correlations between consumer knowledge, attitude and behavior were examined. The correlation between consumer knowledge and attitude was .070, that between consumer knowledge and behavior was .127, and that between consumer attitude and behavior was .708. The correlation between consumer attitude and behavior was higher than other correlations. Lastly, the analysis of consumer’s competency according to personal and health variables showed that the average consumer knowledge score increased in proportion to years of education and age, The average consumer attitude score also increased in proportion to age, years of education, status of health, and interest in health. And the average consumer behavior score increased in proportion to age, status of health, and interest in health.