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최근남성의외모관리행동이눈에띄게증가하고외모를가꾸는남성에대한사회적관심도높아져‘꽃미남신드 롬’등흥미위주의이슈로는자주언급되고있으나, 남성의외모가꾸기행동에대한체계적인연구는부족하다. 이에본연구는20-30대초반의대학생과직장인남성169명을대상으로외모가꾸기행동의현황과외모를가 꾸는동기에대하여실증적으로접근하였다. 남성의외모가꾸기행동은5개하위종류로구분되었는데, 치장행 동을가장많이하는반면몸매관리는매우낮게나타났다. 직장인보다대학생들이외모가꾸기에적극적이며, 남성성집단과양성성집단의남성이외모관리에보다적극적인것으로밝혀졌다. 남성들이외모가꾸기를통해 추구하는심리적혜택(동기)은권력, 성취, 유희, 사랑, 변화, 지식의6가지요인으로나타났으며, 이들동기요 인과성역할정체성, 외모관심도, 인구통계적변인을예언변인으로하여회귀분석한결과유희동기와변화동기, 외모관심도와직업이남성의외모가꾸기행동을유의하게설명하였다. 또한, 외모가꾸기세부행동별로유의미 한예언변인에차이가있어서액세서리착용과같은치장행동에는남성성과변화동기가중요한설명요인으로나 타났다. 마지막으로본연구의한계점과향후연구방향에관하여논의하였다.

Although male appearance management behavior is increasing recently and the perspective on such behavior in the society is changing positively, there are not many empirical studies on this issue. In this study, authors defined male appearance management behavior as male 'grooming behavior' and discovered the specific categories of male grooming behavior, the motives that generate male grooming behavior, and the relations between them. From the result of factor analyses, 5 specific grooming categories are yielded from various grooming activities and 6 motives are generated from the motivation statements for grooming behavior. From the result of regression analyses, each specific grooming category is influenced by different motives and factors, telling that what is so far called as 'male grooming behavior' is in fact a composite of disparate appearance management behaviors and each of them is motivated from different motives. Also, the male grooming behavior, which is different from the female appearance management behavior, contains both socially acceptable and unacceptable behaviors ,and such co-existence seems to affect the level of each grooming category among males.

Although male appearance management behavior is increasing recently and the perspective on such behavior in the society is changing positively, there are not many empirical studies on this issue. In this study, authors defined male appearance management behavior as male 'grooming behavior' and discovered the specific categories of male grooming behavior, the motives that generate male grooming behavior, and the relations between them. From the result of factor analyses, 5 specific grooming categories are yielded from various grooming activities and 6 motives are generated from the motivation statements for grooming behavior. From the result of regression analyses, each specific grooming category is influenced by different motives and factors, telling that what is so far called as 'male grooming behavior' is in fact a composite of disparate appearance management behaviors and each of them is motivated from different motives. Also, the male grooming behavior, which is different from the female appearance management behavior, contains both socially acceptable and unacceptable behaviors ,and such co-existence seems to affect the level of each grooming category among males.