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The purpose of this paper is to connect religious beliefs and the law based on M. Luther's The Theory of Two Kingdoms. 1. The philosophy of law of the Western Christianity is an argument about a question of law concerning a nation, law, and church, and it studies whether the justice of God is superior over the will of God based on the Bible. 2. The ethics of christianity acknowledge carnality and rationality of the law. The law which prescribes cohabitation of human beings is secular. Other religions are law and order which is divine and also political, but Christianity separates sacred things from secular things. 3. Evangelism's theological approach toward the law suggests the way to access theologically to the law which regulates a mundane phenomenon. The law is established creation and order. The law regulates human cohabitation regardless of the fact that a relevant person is Christian or not. The law needs to be understood as one of systems. 4. Understanding the law and connecting it with God is only possible by accepting the fact that justice is one of God's attributes. a) Justice, love, and mercy of God can be expressed with relation and relevancy but not by natures about existence and internal characteristics. b) Because God himself is appropriate for justice, Human beings value the law and the justice. M. Luther said that justice is not an absolute nature of God but a concept colligating the action of God which accomplishes salvation of human beings. c) However, justice is not the only quality of God. Justice is one of characteristics of God along as love and mercy. 5. People possessing the law is not a gift of nation or society but a gift from God which can't be get rid of as one pleases. It is responsibility and task of Christianity to apply such things to a positive law for the law. Theological approach about the law needs to be discussed as relationship with neighbors as well as a function of law as shield to confront corruption.