초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Early automatic hunting program on behalf of the players throughout the game to the extent that there was a significant matter, may be seen as new games were available. However, auto-hunting programs are spreading,increasing its functionality, new problems have appeared in the game. Auto-hunting program has ended due to the balancing of the game, due to the exchange of expensive items over the gambling issues were often raised. Fraud may also occur, such as was the real crime. For this reason, the game service providers in terms prohibit the use of auto-hunting programs,based on the game industry promotion act to prevent the speculative temper of the item to take action to ban cash transactions were not. Still,workshops focusing on exchange reward or the acquisition of the item is professionally conducted. In this paper, the problems caused by auto-hunting program and discusses its causes. In addition, copyright laws, according to relevant laws and regulations, including game industry promotion act, automatic hunting program will examine the possibility of the regulation. Automatic hunting regulations, as well as the direction of the program and suggestions for the extent and according to copyright law and the amendment of game industry promotion act will examine such issues.