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본고는 晦齋 李彦迪(1491~1553)의 出處觀과 시문학에 담긴 自然觀을 통해, 16세기 초 조선 성리학의 초석이 된 회재의 삶을 고구해본 것이다. 우리의 삶도 자연의 일부이기에, 우리 삶의 모습인 효심과 우애 ․ 충절 등도 자연관의 대상이 될 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라 출처관도 삶의 일부로 儒家의 자연관이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 회재의 출처관은 儒家의 출처관에 따라 정당했는지, 아니면 입신출세를 위해 아무 때나 벼슬하고자 했는지 등을 살펴보고자 하였다. 회재의 시문학에 나타난 자연관은, 조정에 出仕하여 곁에서 어머님을 봉양하지 못하는 안타까움과 그리움 그리고 형제애 등으로 표현되었다. 모친의 봉양을 위해 여러 차례 사직서를 올렸으며 고향 근처의 외직을 자원하기도 하였다. 또한 아우를 그리워하는 시 30여 편을 짓기도 하였다. 그뿐만 아니라 임금에 대한 충절과 우국지정, 그리고 애민정신 등 현실에 관한 관심을 지속적으로 보였다. 또한 유배생활 중 저술 활동을 계속한 일도 현실을 잊지 않은 선비정신이면서 유가의 자연관이라 할 수 있다. 유자는 어디에 처해도 현실을 잊지 않기 때문이다. 단지 아쉬운 점은 지나친 戀君과 백성들의 어려운 삶에 대한 현실 참여적인 시가 거의 없다는 것이다. 아마도 16세기 유자의 시문학에 나타난 한계점일 것이다. 조선 후기 유자의 시문학에는 적극적인 현실 참여적인 시가 나타나기 때문이다.

This study was conducted to discuss the life of Hoejae(晦齋) Lee Eon-juk(李彦迪, 1491~1553), who laid the foundation of Neo- Confucianism in Joseon in the early 16th Century through the view of the Chulcheo (a government post and seclusion) and the Confucian scholars' view of nature based on the writings of Hoejae. It particularly discussed whether Hoejae's view of the Chulcheo was fair based on the Confucian scholars' view of the Chulcheo or he pursued government post anytime for his own success and honor. King Jungjong reinstated Hoejae, who was back in his hometown due to his grandfather's funeral, two years after Gimyosahwa(1519) where the Sarim party of scholars, including Cho Kwang-jo, was sacrificed. His 「Iyunochwitangnon」 describes how he felt when he accepted the posts. He stated he accepted the posts to work as Lee Yoon and make the king as great as Yao-Shun for the people to flourish in peace and prosperity as the time of Yao-Shun. During Elsa-Sahwa, he participated in Chungsoondang where Queen Munjeong and Soyoon punished the Sarim party and tried the officers as Panuigeumbusa (head judge) to be recorded as Jeongnanwisagongsin and appointed to Yeoseonggun. This behavior of his was not just considering the Confucian view of the Chulcheo. Later, Hoejae refused the titles of Jeongnanwisagongsin and Yeoseonggun as he realized it was wrong. The view of nature reflected in Hoejae's poetry was expressed as his sadness for not being able to care for his parents, how much he missed his family, and his love for his brother. He submitted the resignation letter several times to take care of his mother and volunteered to work at a local office near his hometown. He also wrote about 30 poems about his younger brother. Not only that, his loyalty to the king and concerns for the kingdom also reflected the Confucian scholars' view of nature. However, he wrote almost no poem on the hardships of the commoners. This would be the limitation of poetry of Confucian scholars in the 16th Century. As Zixia said in the Chapter of Great Virtue, Book of JaJang(「子張」), “Small virtue may enter if the great virtue does not deviate from its boundary,” Hoejae has several reasons to be acknowledged from a positive view considering the philosophy trends of his time and that Toegye said in Haengjang that "The Chulcheo is right for the integrity defended with life for the great cause,"