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대리점계약은 본인(Principal)을 대신하여 고객과 접촉을 하는 대리인(Agent)에게 영업활동에 대한 수수료(Commission)를 지급하기 위한, 또는 그 영업활동으로 인해 본인의 이익이 충분히 나타날 수 있도록 하기 위한 본인과 대리인간의 약정이다. 국제대리점계약 당사자가 직면하는 중요한 문제는 서로 다른 국가에 있는 당사자가 계약을 통하여 고용관계의 형태를 창출한다는 것이다. 즉, 본인은 현지에 가지 않고서도 대리점계약을 통해 대리인을 지배할 수 있게 된다. 국제대리점계약은 본인과 대리인간에 체결하는 계약당사자들이 체결한 계약은 당사자 자치에 관한 것이지만, 그 효과는 他國인 현지에서 발생되기 때문에 계약서에 국제적인 보편성이 충분히 반영될 때에만 그 안정성이 보장된다. 국제대리점계약에 관한 국제법원이나 상관습법은 이를 위하여 입안되었고, 국제대리점을 통하여 해외에 진출하려는 기업은 이러한 사정을 고려하여 계약체결에 임해야 한다. 국제계약의 특성을 고려하여 볼 때, 매번 구체적인 계약을 준비할만한 상황이 되지 않으므로, 모델대리점계약서를 근거로 개별계약서의 기초를 구성하는 것이 일반적이라 할 것이다. 본 연구는 국제적 보편성이 반영된 국제대리점계약서의 주요조항을 제안하여 해외대리점을 준비하는 기업에게 안정된 계약체결의 기반을 제공하는데 그 목적을 두었다. 먼저 국제법에 근거한 대리인과 대리점계약의 법원리를 근거로 ICC모델 대리점계약서의 보편타당성을 개진하고, 실무적 접근을 위하여 ICC모델 대리점계약서를 국내무역유관기관의 국제대리점계약서(대한상공회의소, 대한상사중재원, 수입업협회, 수출보험공사, 한국무역협회)와 비교해 보고자 한다.

The purpose of this study is to provide a practical guide in negotiating and drafting of international agency agreements. This study deals with mainly obligations and responsibilities of the parties to international agency agreements under the international rules and suggests a standard clause thereof. The ICC prepared model form which incorporates the prevailing practice in international trade, and which aims at protecting and balancing the legitimate interests of both parties. This study author examined the clauses in this model contract. The purpose of this examination is to help the contracting parties for better understanding and applying them in their actual contracting practice. Other standard agency contracts are is also supplied by KITA(Korea International Trade Association), KOIMA(Korea Importers Association), KCAB(Korea Commercial Arbitration Board). However, they are insufficient to be a international standard yet, in particular, in lacking commission clause, sale target clause, governing law clause and agent's payment guarantees clause(Del-creder). This caused the present author to propose some improved provisions by way of the examples. The fact that a uniform international convention for international agency agreement has not yet been effective says, both the parties concerned should lay down sufficiently in detail all these critical points in their agreement, or, choose the ICC Model Contract as their own.

The purpose of this study is to provide a practical guide in negotiating and drafting of international agency agreements. This study deals with mainly obligations and responsibilities of the parties to international agency agreements under the international rules and suggests a standard clause thereof. The ICC prepared model form which incorporates the prevailing practice in international trade, and which aims at protecting and balancing the legitimate interests of both parties. This study author examined the clauses in this model contract. The purpose of this examination is to help the contracting parties for better understanding and applying them in their actual contracting practice. Other standard agency contracts are is also supplied by KITA(Korea International Trade Association), KOIMA(Korea Importers Association), KCAB(Korea Commercial Arbitration Board). However, they are insufficient to be a international standard yet, in particular, in lacking commission clause, sale target clause, governing law clause and agent's payment guarantees clause(Del-creder). This caused the present author to propose some improved provisions by way of the examples. The fact that a uniform international convention for international agency agreement has not yet been effective says, both the parties concerned should lay down sufficiently in detail all these critical points in their agreement, or, choose the ICC Model Contract as their own.