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대학의 자치와 국립대학 법인화 ― 국립대학법인의 설립․운영에 관한 특별법(안)을 중심으로 ― 대학구조개혁의 일환으로 시도되고 있는 국립대학 법인화는 국립대학의 자율성과 책무성을 제고하여 국립대학의 발전을 도모하고자 하는 것이 기본목적이다. 교육인적자원부는 이미 20여년 전부터 이러한 구상을 가지고 있었는데, 2006년 9월 「국립대학법인의 설립․운영에 관한 특별법(안)」(이하 “특별법(안)”이라 한다)을 발표하여 국립대학 법인화의 방향과 내용을 구체적으로 제시하였다. 그 후 공청회 등에서 제시된 의견을 수렴하여 마침내 2007. 3. 9. 「국립대학법인의 설립․운영에 관한 특별법」(안)(이하 “입법예고(안)”이라고 한다)을 입법예고 하였다. 이러한 입법예고에 대하여는 현재 국립대학의 재정적 여건과 공교육의 위기, 법인화의 추진절차, 입법예고(안)의 구체적 내용 등에 대한 문제점을 지적하면서 반대하는 목소리도 높다. 이 논문은 1) 대학자치의 의의와 헌법상 보장을 검토하고, 2) 입법예고안의 의의와 내용을 살펴본 뒤, 3) 국립대학 법인화에 대한 찬성․반대 의견을 개관하고, 특별법(안)과 입법예고(안)을 비교․검토하면서 구체적 내용을 대학자치적 관점에서 살펴본 것이다.

The Autonomy of University and Incorporation of National University ― Focused on Special Bill on the Establishment and Operation of National University Incorporation ― Kim, Bae-Won* The Incorporation of National University as part of university restructuring programs has basic goal that pursues the development of national university by promoting the autonomy and responsibility of national university. The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development has already designed this plan for 20 years, and announced Special Bill on the Establishment and Operation of National University Incorporation(“Special Bill”) and presented the direction and contents of national university incorporation. Then after reflecting opinions through public hearing, etc., the Ministry finally noticed Special Bill on the Establishment and Operation of National University Incorporation(“Noticed Bill”) on 2007. 3. 9. But there are a lot of oppositions about this bill, because of the condition of universities' finance, the crisis of public education, and the problems of incorporation process and contents of noticed bill, and so on. The organization of this note is as follows: First, I reviewed the concept and constitutional guarantee of autonomy of university. Second, I examined the meaning and contents of noticed bill. Third, I summarized the supporting and opposing opinions about national university incorporation. Fourth, I compared with “Special Bill” and “Noticed Bill”, and finally, I reviewed these bills from a standpoint of autonomy of university.

The Autonomy of University and Incorporation of National University ― Focused on Special Bill on the Establishment and Operation of National University Incorporation ― Kim, Bae-Won* The Incorporation of National University as part of university restructuring programs has basic goal that pursues the development of national university by promoting the autonomy and responsibility of national university. The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development has already designed this plan for 20 years, and announced Special Bill on the Establishment and Operation of National University Incorporation(“Special Bill”) and presented the direction and contents of national university incorporation. Then after reflecting opinions through public hearing, etc., the Ministry finally noticed Special Bill on the Establishment and Operation of National University Incorporation(“Noticed Bill”) on 2007. 3. 9. But there are a lot of oppositions about this bill, because of the condition of universities' finance, the crisis of public education, and the problems of incorporation process and contents of noticed bill, and so on. The organization of this note is as follows: First, I reviewed the concept and constitutional guarantee of autonomy of university. Second, I examined the meaning and contents of noticed bill. Third, I summarized the supporting and opposing opinions about national university incorporation. Fourth, I compared with “Special Bill” and “Noticed Bill”, and finally, I reviewed these bills from a standpoint of autonomy of university.