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오늘날 재정수입과 경제현상 및 과세대상 다양화로 조세법은 일반시민과 법률전문가 마저 용이하게 이해할 수 없는 전문적이고도 기술적인 영역으로 흐르고 있다. 더군다나 과세권에 대한 의회의 입법형성은 형식적으로 흐르면서 전문지식이 풍부한 행정부의 조세명령권의 강화도 불가피하게 된다. 그리고 조세국가에 있어서 국민은 과세권의 대상이 아니라 납세의무의 주체이며, 법률로 인하여 정하진 적법절차에 의하지 않고서는 이를 거부할 수 있는 주관적 공권인 납세자 기본권을 소극적으로 가지게 된다. 납세자 기본권은 본질적으로 재산권과 상충되는 국가의 과세권에 대하여 그 정당성에 대한 형성원리와 한계를 설정함으로써 정당하지 아니한(자의적인) 과세권으로부터 국민의 재산권을 보호하고자 하는 헌법상의 가치규범이 기본권으로써 승화된 것이다. 따라서 조세법의 입법과 해석은 조세법률주의와 헌법상 기본원칙에 따라 규범조화적으로 해석되어질 수 있는 메커니즘으로 구성되어야 한다. 조세법이야말로 공동체구성원 상호간의 이해충돌이 가장 현저하게 나타나는 분야임은 물론, 정당간 이해대립이나 국민과 의회간의 대립 그리고 사회 내 이익단체의 개재도 심하기 때문에 조세법이 국민 일반의 상식적 법 감정에 부합하지 않을 경우에는 조세저항마저 일어날 수 있기 때문이다. 한편 조세국가라는 것은 국가활동의 재정적 수요충족에 따른 국가의 존립 및 경제상의 자유를 실현하기 위하여, 국민주권국가의 자기지배의 주체인 국민이 정당한 법률로 정하여진 조세를 적법 절차에 따라 부담함으로써 궁극적으로 사회․문화․복지국가의 기반을 형성시키는 국가형식을 의미하게 된다.

These days, due to the diversification of fiscal income, economic phenomena and objects of taxation, tax laws are getting more professional and technical and accordingly even the law professionals, not to mention the ordinary people, cannot understand them easily. Moreover, the legislation of the right of taxation by the legislative branch is becoming a mere formality and the right of taxation command of the executive branch with lots of professional knowledge has inevitably to be strengthened. In a tax nation, a citizen is not an object of the right of taxation, but a subject of tax obligation, and he has the taxpayer's basic right passively, a subjective public right to refuse to pay taxes unless the taxes are levied by legal procedures as stipulated by laws. In other words, the taxpayer's basic right is sublimated from the value norms in the constitutional law so that it can protect the people's property right from the unlawful(arbitrary) right of taxation by setting up supporting principles and limits for the justice of transgression on the nation's right of taxation which is “transgression of property right” in itself. Therefore, the legislation and the interpretation of tax laws must be made by the mechanism that can allow norm-harmonious interpretation based on the principles of no taxation without law and equality of tax burden principle. This is all the more resulted from the fact that tax laws are an area that shows most noticeably the conflict of interests between the components of a community and that tax resistance may be incurred in case the tax laws are contradictory to the general law sentiment of the people because the interest confrontation between parties, the confrontation between people and lawmakers and the intervention of the interest groups are serious. On the other hand, a tax nation can be defined as a form of a nation that creates the base of culture and welfare by levying taxes to people, according to legal procedures, who are the main body of self-rule of a nation of citizen sovereign to achieve the nation's existence and the economic freedom that require fulfillment of need of the fiscal demand for national administration.

These days, due to the diversification of fiscal income, economic phenomena and objects of taxation, tax laws are getting more professional and technical and accordingly even the law professionals, not to mention the ordinary people, cannot understand them easily. Moreover, the legislation of the right of taxation by the legislative branch is becoming a mere formality and the right of taxation command of the executive branch with lots of professional knowledge has inevitably to be strengthened. In a tax nation, a citizen is not an object of the right of taxation, but a subject of tax obligation, and he has the taxpayer's basic right passively, a subjective public right to refuse to pay taxes unless the taxes are levied by legal procedures as stipulated by laws. In other words, the taxpayer's basic right is sublimated from the value norms in the constitutional law so that it can protect the people's property right from the unlawful(arbitrary) right of taxation by setting up supporting principles and limits for the justice of transgression on the nation's right of taxation which is “transgression of property right” in itself. Therefore, the legislation and the interpretation of tax laws must be made by the mechanism that can allow norm-harmonious interpretation based on the principles of no taxation without law and equality of tax burden principle. This is all the more resulted from the fact that tax laws are an area that shows most noticeably the conflict of interests between the components of a community and that tax resistance may be incurred in case the tax laws are contradictory to the general law sentiment of the people because the interest confrontation between parties, the confrontation between people and lawmakers and the intervention of the interest groups are serious. On the other hand, a tax nation can be defined as a form of a nation that creates the base of culture and welfare by levying taxes to people, according to legal procedures, who are the main body of self-rule of a nation of citizen sovereign to achieve the nation's existence and the economic freedom that require fulfillment of need of the fiscal demand for national administration.