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본 연구는 식민지기 미곡 유통관리에 대한 법령과 8‧15 이후 미군정 및 정부수립기 양곡관리법령을 비교 분석한 것이다. 일본은 1921년 미곡법 제정을 시작으로 미곡 유통관련 법령과 생산조절을 위한 각종 법령을 마련하였다. 이는 1930년대 공황기를 거쳐 전시체제에 들어 국가에 의한 식량관리라는 시스템으로 자리잡았고, 식민지 조선에서도 식량에 대한 전면적 관리가 이루어졌다. 일제 식민지기의 식량관리시스템은 해방 이후 남한의 양곡관리정책으로 이어졌다. 미군정은 일시적으로 식량의 자유시장 유통정책을 실시하였으나 곧 실패하고 미곡 및 하곡(맥류) 수집정책을 강력히 추진하였으며, 1948년 이승만 정권 수립 이후에도 양곡에 대한 국가관리 정책은 지속되었다. 농업이 갖는 특수성으로 인해 식량에 대해서는 국가와 사회의 개입이 요구되기도 한다. 그러나 그 개입의 방향과 목표가 무엇인가에 따라 생산자인 농민과 소비 간에 이해관계는 다를 수 있다. 일제시기 식민지 조선의 식량관리는 식민본국으로의 식량 이출과 군수 조달에 포커스가 맞춰졌다. 이에 조선인들은 자가식량 확보도 불가능한 ‘적자공출’에 시달려야 했다. 이를 위해 일제는 강력한 식민행정 권력과 경찰력을 동원했다. 따라서 국가의 식량관리시스템인 공출은 식민수탈의 대명사로 각인되었다. 하지만 해방이 되었어도 식량문제는 자연스럽게 해결되지 못했다. 생산량과 인구 증가 등의 자연적 불평등문제도 있었지만, 시장은 결코 도덕적이지 않았다. 이에 식량은 관리통제되어야 한다는 주장이 힘을 얻었고, 정책의 시행주체인 국가는 여전히 농민의 이해관계를 우선시 하지 않았다.

This study analyzes and compares the governmental food supply control in the colonial period and the grain control laws of the American Military Government after 8.15. After going through economic breakdown in 1930s, Japanese government established food supply control system during the wartime. The system was also applied to Chosun, Japanese colony of the time. The food supply control system of the colonial period led to grain supply control in South Korea after 8.15. The American Military Government strongly promoted collection of rice and summer grain, and the governmental control over grains continued during Rhee Syng-man Government. The main purpose of the food supply control system of the colonial period was for Japan to exploit foods from Chosun, providing their own citizens with food. In order to persue their system, the Japanese government called out Japanese police, which made harder for people in Chosun to even provide their own food. Consequently, delivery of rice to the government became a well-knows case of colonial exploitation. However, there always were issues on food supply, even in non-colonized countries. Yield of grains and increase of population were definitely a part of the problem, but equally importantly, food market system was never fair for both consumers and suppliers. As a result, some people started to believe food market system should be under the control of government, and government never stood for farmers.

This study analyzes and compares the governmental food supply control in the colonial period and the grain control laws of the American Military Government after 8.15. After going through economic breakdown in 1930s, Japanese government established food supply control system during the wartime. The system was also applied to Chosun, Japanese colony of the time. The food supply control system of the colonial period led to grain supply control in South Korea after 8.15. The American Military Government strongly promoted collection of rice and summer grain, and the governmental control over grains continued during Rhee Syng-man Government. The main purpose of the food supply control system of the colonial period was for Japan to exploit foods from Chosun, providing their own citizens with food. In order to persue their system, the Japanese government called out Japanese police, which made harder for people in Chosun to even provide their own food. Consequently, delivery of rice to the government became a well-knows case of colonial exploitation. However, there always were issues on food supply, even in non-colonized countries. Yield of grains and increase of population were definitely a part of the problem, but equally importantly, food market system was never fair for both consumers and suppliers. As a result, some people started to believe food market system should be under the control of government, and government never stood for farmers.