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This study aimed to investigate the positive effects on fathers’ empathy ability through the Filial Therapy preliminary parents’education program, which was developed by Guerney(1964) and translated and modified by Jang(1998), on male college students. In order to verify the research questions, the Measurement of Empathy in Adult-Child Interaction(MEACI) was used. This study, based on an ex-ante and ex-post control group design, had as its subjects seven male college students in College A and B and also seven children. The control group also consisted of seven male college students and seven children. A total of eight group sessions were conducted over eight week, one session per month, as well as a pre-test before the program and a post-test after its conclusion. The major findings were as follows: First, the empathy ability of children in the experimental group was significantly improved in contrast to the control group. Second. these results indicated that the preliminary parents’ education program had positive effects on the improvement of empathy ability for children. Thus, filial therapy involving the acquisition of child-rearing techniques and interaction with children was expected to foster positive relationships with children.