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이 논문은 한·미 양국 간의 시사 다큐멘터리가 이야기를 전달하는 방 식에 있어 어떤 유사점과 차이점을 지니고 있는지 연구하고 있다. 이에 따라 본고에서는 지난 2005년 12월 동남아시아를 강타한 쓰나미의 참상 을 다룬 미국 CBS의 60 Minutes 두 편과 KBS, MBC, SBS 등 국내 방송 3사의 시사 다큐멘터리 5편을 비교·분석하고 있다. 서사 이론을 이용해 영 상 표현을 기준으로 서술자의 발화 방식 및 등장 유형을 담화 분석한 결과, 미 CBS의 60 Minutes는 1인칭 관찰자의 시점에서 쓰나미의 참상을 소개한 반면, 국내 방송 3사는 전지적 작가 시점에 가까운 3인칭 관찰자의 시점에서 사건을 취재해 보도한 것으로 나타났다. 이와 함께, 국내 방송사들-특히 PD가 연출한 방송물-은 서술자의 등장 및 발화 모습을 드러내는 데 있어 화면에 신체의 일부만 담아내거나 카메라의 움직임이 동반된 불안정한 구도 를 연출함으로써 서술자가 시청자들 앞에 쉽사리 노출되는 것을 지양하는 것으로 조사됐다. 국내 방송 3사의 이 같은 이야기 전달 방식은 부르디외가 주창하는 ‘상징적 폭력’의 전형으로써 결과적으로는 시청자가 범접하기 힘든 ‘상징적 주술’ 행위로 작용, 메시지 전달에 있어 서술자의 ‘상징적 권력’을 한층 강화시키는 것으로 풀이됐다.

This study attempts to investigate the differences and similarities of magazine journalism programs in Korean and the U.S. in narrative perspective. Reporter’s mode of presentation and narration on Tsunami disaster of Dec. 2005 were analyzed. Five programs from KBS, MBC, and SBS and two from CBS of the U.S. were content- analyzed. The outcome revealed that the reporters(narrators) of TV programs in Korean magazine journalism employed largely the third-person viewpoint of broadcasting Tsunami programs by keeping off their presentation from camera shooting. Instead, Korean magazine programs focused more on voice-over explanation of narrators. On the contrary, ‘60 Minutes’ of CBS showed different way of producing magazine journalism by presenting narrators in the front of TV camera with first-person viewpoint. The author characterized the feature of Korean magazine journalism as Oracular Journalism which produce its authority by controling the presentation and narration of narrators as shaman in the ancient produced his sanctity by keeping off his presentation from the public in delivering God’s message.

This study attempts to investigate the differences and similarities of magazine journalism programs in Korean and the U.S. in narrative perspective. Reporter’s mode of presentation and narration on Tsunami disaster of Dec. 2005 were analyzed. Five programs from KBS, MBC, and SBS and two from CBS of the U.S. were content- analyzed. The outcome revealed that the reporters(narrators) of TV programs in Korean magazine journalism employed largely the third-person viewpoint of broadcasting Tsunami programs by keeping off their presentation from camera shooting. Instead, Korean magazine programs focused more on voice-over explanation of narrators. On the contrary, ‘60 Minutes’ of CBS showed different way of producing magazine journalism by presenting narrators in the front of TV camera with first-person viewpoint. The author characterized the feature of Korean magazine journalism as Oracular Journalism which produce its authority by controling the presentation and narration of narrators as shaman in the ancient produced his sanctity by keeping off his presentation from the public in delivering God’s message.