초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Kim, Mi-kyung. “The Postcolonial Feminism in Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy - Tess as Postcolonial female subaltern subject.” Studies on English Language & Literature. 33.2(2007): 53-71. Postcolonial feminism disengages the Sexual Ideology which is centered on masculinity and establishes a new feminine sexuality. The attempt to rediscover the identity for the feminine subaltern subject has been overshadowed not only by imperialistic, nationalistic masculine patriarchy and masculine-centered discourse but also by the otherness of woman. In the Victorian Society which masculine-centered sexuality governed, Tess of the d’Urbervilles represents the economic, religious and sexual repression from which the heroine Tess suffered. Thomas Hardy describes the heroine Tess as postcolonial subaltern woman. Also, through Tess’ ‘Talking’ and ‘Speaking’, he compares Alec d’Urbervilles with Angel Clare. In the light of Postcolonial feminism, for recovering the value of Tess’ feminity oppressed, silenced, marginalized by the otherness of woman and sexual difference, it is necessary for the white feminist and all subaltern women to improve their roles through new morality and responsibility. (Kunsan University)

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

postcolonial feminism, subaltern, speaking, talking