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Lee, Nakyoung. “‘True loue’ and ‘loyall friendship’: Love and Same-sex Bonds in The Faerie Queene, Books III and IV.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 37.1 (2011): 131-51. This paper proposes to examine love and the same-sex bonds in Edmund Spenser’s Faerie Queene Books III & IV. As a cite for imagining and manifesting both homosocial desire and heterosexual love, Spenser’s romance meditates the concept of romantic love as well as accommodates the contemporary issues like gender, sexuality, and marriage. Through analyzing the way the same-sex bonds and the love between the sexes are defined, this study attempts to show that Spenser presented a significant moment in the history of friendship. While he examined the significance of male friendship through the knights, Cambell and Triamond, Spenser also probed the chaste love between female characters. The love between Britomart and Amoret tends to support the patriarchal system for it functions to show the connections between chastity and true love. However, the chaste and compassionate love between Britomart and Amoret offers a discursive space where the male-dominated structure of romance can be reassessed. (Ewha Womans University)