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皮日休(?~880)에 의해 “梅花賦幷序”에서 宋璟(663~737)의 돌처럼 단단하고 쇠처럼 굳은 의지를 표현한 “鐵腸石心”이란 용어가 매화 시에서 최초로 宋璟과 연관지어 사용된다. 그러나 皮日休 이후 중국의 매화 시에서는 “鐵腸石心”이란 용어를 사용하지 않고 있다. 하지만 한국에서는 “鐵腸石心”이란 용어를 고려 林椿이 <次友人梅花>에서 사용한 이후 조선 후기까지 매화 시에서 지속적으로 인용 되었고 더 나아가서는 변용 하는데 까지 이르러 고려와 조선을 거치면서 완벽한 詩語로 자리 잡은 것을 알 수 있다. 그러나 중국에서는 皮日休 이후 어느 시인도 鐵腸石心이란 용어를 사용한 예를 찾아 볼 수가 없었고 宋璟과 연관지은 시 또한 찾아 볼 수 가 없었다. 이러한 시어들이 전고의 본고장인 중국에서는 사용되지 않고 한국에서만 사용되었는지에 대해서는 보다 심층적인 고증과 연구가 필요하다고 생각된다. 그러나 한국의 매화시는 고려 이후 조선 전후기를 거쳐 여러 성리학자들과 시인들의 시를 통해서 林逋의 “疎影暗香橫斜”와 함께 宋璟의 鐵腸石心이란 용어를 오히려 자유롭게 사용하면서 매화시의 시어로 자리잡았으니 이를 통해 임포의 “疎影暗香橫斜”와 함께 宋璟의 鐵腸石心이 한국에서 매화시의 상징이 되었다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이처럼 매화 시에서 鐵腸石心은 古典으로 칭송 받지만 사실 宋璟의 “梅花賦”에는 “鐵腸石心”이란 시어를 사용한 흔적이 없다. 다시 한 번 강조한다면 “鐵腸石心”이란 말 그대로 “쇠로 된 창자에 돌로 된 마음”으로 추위를 이겨가면서 꽃을 피우는 매화를 형이상학적으로 이르는 전통적인 시어로 한국에서 광범위하게 사용된 점 宋璟의 신체 부위를 지칭하는 용어가 아니라는 점도 동시에 알 수 있다. 즉 송경의 인품을 형이상학적으로 표현한 것이다.이는 본고의 텍스트인 한국문집총간을 기준으로 규명하는 작업일 뿐 이 텍스트 외의 다른 문집이나 자료들에 관련 시어들의 사용에 대해서는 보다 광범위하고 심층적인 조사 연구가 뒷받침되어야 할 것이다.
Study of the tradition of Korean Maehwa(梅花) Poems and Song Kyeong(宋璟) Kim Jaer-yung In his preface to maehwa(梅花) poems, the phrase of cheoljang seoksim meaning Iron Intestine and Stone Mind was first used by Pi Rehsiu (?~889) connecting the term with Sung Ching (663~737). However since Pi Rehsiu, the phrase cheoljang seoksim has not been used in Chinese maehwa poems. In Korea, however, he term cheoljang seoksim was not only quoted but also even transfigured and placed as a complete poem words from Goryeo through to later period of Chosun since Im Chun, the next friend of maehwa(梅花) of Goryeo. Since Pi Rehsiu, no poet was using the term cheoljang seoksim and there was no poem connected to Sung Ching also in China. The writer thinks that it is necessary to study and make bibliographical research in more depth why such term is not used in China which is the home of bibliography and was used in Korea only. As Korean maehwa(梅花) poems of scholars of Seonglihak (Doctrine of Chutzu) freely used the term cheoljang seoksim together with soyeong-amhyang-hoengsa (scant shadow-dark fragrance-side slant) of Im Chun. This shows the two terms became symbol of maehwa(梅花) poems in Korea. Although the term cheoljang seoksim was praised as classic, there was no trace of the poem words cheoljang seoksim in Maehwa(梅花) Song of Sung Ching. Emphasizing once again, the term cheoljang seoksim (iron intestine and stone mind) literally express metaphysically maehwa(梅花) which blooms fighting the cold and widely used as traditional poem words in Korea. It is not depicting the physical part of Sung Ching but it expresses the personality of Sung Ching metaphysically. This essay examines only the text of Korean Anthologies Compendium. Regarding the use of poem words in texts other than the above text and other data, a more extensive and in-depth study and research should be followed up.
Study of the tradition of Korean Maehwa(梅花) Poems and Song Kyeong(宋璟) Kim Jaer-yung In his preface to maehwa(梅花) poems, the phrase of cheoljang seoksim meaning Iron Intestine and Stone Mind was first used by Pi Rehsiu (?~889) connecting the term with Sung Ching (663~737). However since Pi Rehsiu, the phrase cheoljang seoksim has not been used in Chinese maehwa poems. In Korea, however, he term cheoljang seoksim was not only quoted but also even transfigured and placed as a complete poem words from Goryeo through to later period of Chosun since Im Chun, the next friend of maehwa(梅花) of Goryeo. Since Pi Rehsiu, no poet was using the term cheoljang seoksim and there was no poem connected to Sung Ching also in China. The writer thinks that it is necessary to study and make bibliographical research in more depth why such term is not used in China which is the home of bibliography and was used in Korea only. As Korean maehwa(梅花) poems of scholars of Seonglihak (Doctrine of Chutzu) freely used the term cheoljang seoksim together with soyeong-amhyang-hoengsa (scant shadow-dark fragrance-side slant) of Im Chun. This shows the two terms became symbol of maehwa(梅花) poems in Korea. Although the term cheoljang seoksim was praised as classic, there was no trace of the poem words cheoljang seoksim in Maehwa(梅花) Song of Sung Ching. Emphasizing once again, the term cheoljang seoksim (iron intestine and stone mind) literally express metaphysically maehwa(梅花) which blooms fighting the cold and widely used as traditional poem words in Korea. It is not depicting the physical part of Sung Ching but it expresses the personality of Sung Ching metaphysically. This essay examines only the text of Korean Anthologies Compendium. Regarding the use of poem words in texts other than the above text and other data, a more extensive and in-depth study and research should be followed up.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Pi Rehsiu, Sung Ching, Im Chun, cheoljang seoksim, maehwa(梅花) poem