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이 글은 일제하 김두용이 국내와 일본에서 펼친 문학운동을 반제국주의의 관점에서 파악한 것이다. 김두용의 문학운동을 크게 3단계로 구분한 다음, 이 글에서는 제1단계와 제2단계의 문학운동의 구체적 내용과 성격을 집중 고찰했다. 김두용의 제1단계 문학운동은 그가 동경제국대학에 입학한 이후부터 제3전선사와 카프 동경지부를 거쳐 무산자사 시절까지 이루어진 문학운동을 말한다. 그는 동경제대에 입학한 이후 신인회에 가입하면서 사회주의 사상을 학습했으며, 프로문예의 정치적 진출과 실천적 투쟁을 강조하는 후쿠모토이즘에 입각해서 카프의 방향전환을 요구했다. 이 시기 김두용은 정치적으로는 ‘민족단일당’으로서의 신간회의 협동전선 노선을 지지하는 카프에 가담하여 활동하며 국내의 반제국주의 프로문예운동을 적극 주도하는 중심에서 활동했다. 희곡 <걸인의 꿈>과 <조선>의 창작, 국내 순회의 연극 강연과 연극 공연, 일본에서의 연극 공연 시도, 카프의 기관지 『예술운동』의 편집 겸 발행 등의 노력을 했다. 그런데 카프 본부와 카프 동경지부 사이에 정치적 입장의 차이가 심화될 때, 김두용은 카프에서 벗어나 이북만 등과 무산자사를 만들었다. 그는 무산자사를 조선공산당 재건운동을 위한 발판으로 삼는 한편 더욱 강경한 문예운동의 정치투쟁을 위한 노력을 요구했다. 이 시기에 쓴 그의 미완성 소설 <봄>은 제국주의의 탄압에 대한 재일 조선인의 격분과 투쟁을 담아내면서 조직운동 속에서 투쟁하는 인물의 전위적인 모습을 보이고자 했다. 김두용은 제2단계 문학운동은 동지사를 결성한 이후, 동지사의 코프(KOPF: 일본프롤레타리아문화연맹) 내의 조선협의회로 해소되는 과정을 거쳐 코프가 해체되기까지의 과정에서 이루어진 문학운동을 말한다. 동지사를 코프에 흡수되도록 함으로써 ‘재일’의 조건에서 반제국주의에 대한 효율적인 문예투쟁을 전개하고자 했다. 그러나 김두용은 일제의 좌익활동에 대한 탄압 때문에 활발한 활동을 하지 못했다 그의 문학운동도 이 시기에 가장 위축되었다. 전위적 인물들의 투쟁 모습을 선동적으로 묘사한 미완의 벽소설 <노무자 합숙소(飯場)>을 발표한 것 외에 특별한 문학활동을 하지 못했다.

This paper deals with the literary movement that evolved in Japan and Korea by Kim, Du-Yong during the Japanese colonial period on the view point of anti-imperialism. His literary movement is categorized into three phases and then concrete contents and characters of his activities are intensively studied by focusing on first and second phases. The main results of this study are summarized as follows. The first phase of his literary movement indicates the activities which had been exerted since he entered Tokyo Imperial University and lasted to the days of the Proletarian Publisher, going through the experiences at the Jaesamjeonsunsa(第三戰線社, the Third Front Publisher) and Tokyo branch of KAPF(Korean Proletarian Artistic Alliance). He participated in Sininwhoe(新人會) and came to learn about socialism after entering Tokyo Imperial University and then claimed the change of direction of KAPF movement on the basis of Hukumotoism which emphasized the political and practical activities of proletarian literacy. He actively led the proletarian literary movement aiming at anti-imperialism, while taking part in Singanwhoe - it was regarded as a political party representing a cross section of Koreans - for a political action support in its policy for a united front. During this period, he conducted diverse activities, such as releasing the dramas titled “A Beggar’s Dream” and “Chosun”, lecturing tours on plays, producing plays, making an attempt to direct for theatre in Japan, and working as an editor and publisher for “Artistic Movement”, an organ of KAPF. He, however, quit the activities at KAPF when the conflicts were getting serious, which were caused by different political opinions between the headquarters and the Tokyo branch of KAPF. Since having left KAPF, he organized the Musanjasa(無産者社, the Proletarian Publisher) with Lee, Book-Man and others. He aimed at building the basis to reconstruct the Chusun Communists Party through the movement of the Musanjasa. On the other hand, his literary movement was beginning to take a hard line politically. “Spring”, an unfinished work, written at that time, contained the wild rage and strife of Korean residents in Japan against the oppression of Japanese imperialism and also tried to depict an avant-garde figure who struggled in an organization. The second phase of his literary movement includes the activities conducted from the organization of Dongjisa(同志社) to its reformation as a committee of KOPF(Japan Proletarian Cultural Alliance) and dissolution. By incorporating Dongjisa into KOPF, he made an attempt to evolve effective literary strife against imperialism in the condition of residence in Japan. He, however, could not play an active role because Japanese imperialists were suppressive of the left wing. Accordingly, his literary movement shrank deeply during this period. He did not show particular literary activities except the release of the unfinished short-story “Laborers’ Boarding House” which described the struggling features of avant-grade figures for agitative purposes.

This paper deals with the literary movement that evolved in Japan and Korea by Kim, Du-Yong during the Japanese colonial period on the view point of anti-imperialism. His literary movement is categorized into three phases and then concrete contents and characters of his activities are intensively studied by focusing on first and second phases. The main results of this study are summarized as follows. The first phase of his literary movement indicates the activities which had been exerted since he entered Tokyo Imperial University and lasted to the days of the Proletarian Publisher, going through the experiences at the Jaesamjeonsunsa(第三戰線社, the Third Front Publisher) and Tokyo branch of KAPF(Korean Proletarian Artistic Alliance). He participated in Sininwhoe(新人會) and came to learn about socialism after entering Tokyo Imperial University and then claimed the change of direction of KAPF movement on the basis of Hukumotoism which emphasized the political and practical activities of proletarian literacy. He actively led the proletarian literary movement aiming at anti-imperialism, while taking part in Singanwhoe - it was regarded as a political party representing a cross section of Koreans - for a political action support in its policy for a united front. During this period, he conducted diverse activities, such as releasing the dramas titled “A Beggar’s Dream” and “Chosun”, lecturing tours on plays, producing plays, making an attempt to direct for theatre in Japan, and working as an editor and publisher for “Artistic Movement”, an organ of KAPF. He, however, quit the activities at KAPF when the conflicts were getting serious, which were caused by different political opinions between the headquarters and the Tokyo branch of KAPF. Since having left KAPF, he organized the Musanjasa(無産者社, the Proletarian Publisher) with Lee, Book-Man and others. He aimed at building the basis to reconstruct the Chusun Communists Party through the movement of the Musanjasa. On the other hand, his literary movement was beginning to take a hard line politically. “Spring”, an unfinished work, written at that time, contained the wild rage and strife of Korean residents in Japan against the oppression of Japanese imperialism and also tried to depict an avant-garde figure who struggled in an organization. The second phase of his literary movement includes the activities conducted from the organization of Dongjisa(同志社) to its reformation as a committee of KOPF(Japan Proletarian Cultural Alliance) and dissolution. By incorporating Dongjisa into KOPF, he made an attempt to evolve effective literary strife against imperialism in the condition of residence in Japan. He, however, could not play an active role because Japanese imperialists were suppressive of the left wing. Accordingly, his literary movement shrank deeply during this period. He did not show particular literary activities except the release of the unfinished short-story “Laborers’ Boarding House” which described the struggling features of avant-grade figures for agitative purposes.