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This study set out to investigate the types and characteristics of the fourwomen that were the center of the Abai Geser epic and the embodiment ofeach femininity in the epic according to the four structural forms offemininity by Toni Wolff, one of Carl Jung's pupils. Manzan gurme grandmother, the mother goddess and the Maternal type,takes the most natural form and is presented as the positive form of themother. She is manifested as the representation of the brightest and wisestin the epic. As the god that created the Great Bear and the galaxy and thegoddess that governs birth and rearing, death and reincarnation, andhealing, she resolves all kinds of problems happening in the epic and is themastermind behind sending out Geser out to the human world and havinghim restore peace on the ground. Representing Hetaira, Urmai goohon is a tempter armed with the utmostbeauty that cannot be rivaled in the world, becoming a major factor tocause confrontations and conflicts between the protagonist and antagonist. While playing her roles on the side of the protagonist, she is also free enough to choose monster, the opposite force, as her spouse in pursuit ofher instinctive tendency. Alma mergen of Amazone is an independent and self-contained womanand a typical positive character along with the mother goddess Manzangurme grandmother. She is manifested as the most ideal spouse for Geser. Possessing wisdom, wits, and faith in addition to incredible bravery, shedisplays the characteristics of a whole person. Placing greater importanceon her own choice than relationships, she sometimes engages in extremeacts and shows very threatening characteristics. Yargallan of Mediale is a problematic character, who cannot confrontthe world on her own and becomes a victim herself. Lacking rationalthinking in distinguishing her personal things from those belonging to thepublic, she also becomes a perpetrator. Even though she has spiritualfeatures, she fails to use them for the good of the community, getsoverwhelmed by her unconscious desire, and thus becomes a negativebeing.