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A strong concern has been expressed over the increasing number of students with learning difficulties and their being left behind in the primary English education. The government proposed a strategic plan, No Child Below-Basic, which provides remedial instruction with materials especially designed for children with learning difficulties. The present research aimed to develop remedial teaching and learning material to help children with literacy problem at the primary English classroom. Literature review and a survey and in-depth interviews were conducted to find out what teachers’ needs were in the remedial education. The findings from the survey and interviews revealed that access to remedial materials is limited and teacher support is needed as well as material development. To accommodate the needs, the remedial materials were developed according to six steps: letter recognition, phonemic awareness, phonics, sight words, vocabulary, and comprehension. At the first step, a variety of activities are provided to help children recognize the alphabet. The phonics level includes a variety of activities to recognize how sounds are related to spelling. At the sight words step, children learn 300 sight words including the most frequently used function words. Then, a list of basic vocabulary is presented according to themes with a variety of activities, including the primary-level words proposed in the national curriculum. At the comprehension level, reading materials are sequenced from nursery rhymes to stories.