초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study aims to compare fifteen high school English textbooks of the Korea's seventh regular curriculum to five ESL listening and speaking textbooks of the compatible level and analyse how differently the politeness strategies in requests are shown in the high school textbooks and ESL textbooks. In addition, this study finds out how well high school textbooks reflect politeness of English-speaking culture and further makes suggestions for the high school textbooks of the eighth regular curriculum. The requests collected from fifteen high school English textbooks and five ESL listening and speaking textbooks were analysed by three criteria: (1) the politeness strategies of Brown and Levinson (2) internal and external modification of Blum-Kulka, House and Kasper in CCSARP Coding Manual and (3) downgraders in CCSARP Coding Manual. Plus, those analyses are distributed according to nine situations divided based on where requests occur and the relative power of those involved in. This study shows these points that should be improved in the eighth curriculm: (1) the negative politeness strategies in requests excessively appear in Situation 9, the spaces other than school and home (2) however the internal and external modifications are more widely distributed in high school textbooks than in ESL books throughout Situation 1-9, the two modifications still excessively appear in Situation 9 (3) downgraders are less variably used in high school textbooks than in ESL books.