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A rising teaching and learning method, Flipped Learning, has recently received a lot of attention in the various fields of school classroom environments. The application of Flipped Learning in the classroom has shown to have a positive educational effect on a variety of areas such as academic achievement, attitude, collaborative learning, and self-directed learning. However, a variety of limitations of applying Flipped Learning in school environments, especially in English classroom environments, has also been the topic of much discussion. As a way of resolving the limitations of applying Flipped Learning to English teaching, it is suggested that a combination of Movie and Flipped Learning be introduced into English lessons. The purpose of this study is to develop an English class model that uses movies through Flipped Learning. To do this, English class modules are introduced by blending movie-watching methods and Flipped Learning class procedures. Three steps of English class procedures are provided: the pre class, the in class, and the post class. Moreover, the in class procedure is divided into three stages that include the opening, central, and closing stages. In each stage, the contents of class activities and interactions between teacher-student and student-student are presented as class modules.