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In the ninth century, East Asia was faced with a complicated international situation: the north-south axis (the Khitans and Song China), the eastwest axis (Western Xia and Goryeo), and several countries (including Turfan, Huigu and Southern Zhao) competed against each other. On the other hand, there began to emerge a “reversal of power” between the dynasty in central China and the dynasty of the northern border region. Among these ancient kingdoms, Western Xia was the most measurable dynasty. First, Western Xia could not threaten the existence of its counterparts: the Khitans, Song China, or Jin. Also, they could not overwhelm Western Xia through military power. Although Western Xia was a small country the distant from central region, it was able to keep challenging Song China, and to put more pressure on Song China than the Khitans. It is interesting to note that the only enemy threatening Western Xia was not the Khitans, the great power, but Song China. To generally understand this period, it is necessary to analyze the huayi concept (華夷論), the ancient Chinese strategy of surrounding countries and ethnic groups (以夷制夷), the concept of link relations,and financial policies. In is also necessary to examine the concept of territory in Song China, the authenticity of Taizong, the change of foreign policies with the loss to the Khitans, the checks and balances of military power in Song China, and the Khitans position against Song China and Western Xia. This paper seeks to examine the relations between Song China and Western Xia during the reign of Taizong. Whereas Emperor Taizu had adopted a positive policy of appeasement toward the northwestern regions, Taizong handled the internal conflict in Dangxiang (党項) with more haste than caution, with his political ambition of authenticity. Finally, this contributed to cause a prolonged war of nearly 100 years. He lacked the military and political talent,moreover, He suffered from stress while striving to outperform Taizu. This made a decisive diplomatic situation more worse. Li Jiqian (李繼遷) defended his homeland against Song China’s attack with a guerrilla war which made effective use of the geographical features of the desert. and finally he was successful in establishing an independent regime with the support of the Khitans. Taizong, who had already lost his justification and practical benefits, adopted an appeasement policy, but this was too late to change the situation. What was worse, he suffered humiliation at the refusal of his offer of obedient vassal. Eventually, Song China was confronted with a severe political and military crisis in the last period of Taizong. His successor,Emperor Zhenzong had no choice but to sustain stability through the payment of annual tribute. Most of the fundamental problems in the Song dynasty were deeply rooted in the political failure of Taizong. At the same time, it came to be a major cause of failure in the foreign policy towards Western Xia.