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2007 개정 교육과정에 기초하여 개발된 동아시아사 교과서들은 ‘세계사’적 맥락에서 동아시아사를 검토할 수 있는 몇 개의 장치를 사용하였다. 본고는 동아시아사 교과서들이 동아시아사와 세계사를 어떻게 연계하였는가 분석하고, 개선할 수 있는 방안을 제안해 보고자 한다. 본고에서는 학생들이 중학교에서 학습한 세계사를 보완·심화하여 학습할 수 있는 방향과 동아시아사나 세계사와 관련된 최근 학계의 문제의식을 반영하여 동아시아사 교과서에서 세계사를 다루는 방안을 구상해 보고자 한다. 요컨대 학생들의 공적인 선행 학습 지식과 학문적 담론의 측면을 고려하여 동아시아사와 연계하는 세계사의 내용 선정 및 조직 방안의 밑그림을 제시하고자 한다.

The purpose of this article is to suggest strategies for how to incorporate world history in the high school East Asian history textbook. Students study world history together with Korean history in a required course in middle school and study world history, East Asian history, or Korean history as an elective in high school. The high school course in East Asian history requires students to focus on East Asian history, but does not ask them to put it in a world history context. However, to help students transcend parochialism, the textbook writers could incorporate world history into the East Asian history textbook. How can the writers bring a world history context into East Asian history in their East Asian history textbook? To answer this question, I analyzed two East Asian history textbooks in terms of their strategies for incorporating world history and their organizing themes and narrative structures of world history added onto East Asian history. I pointed out problems of Eurocentrism in the narrativeof the 2009revised middle school world history curriculum and suggested different organizing themes of world history that could be added to high school East Asian history byreducing Eurocentrism. In addition, I examined current issues and questions in the area of East Asian history and suggested an intercultural perspective to organize world history and East Asian history. In sum, I suggested that the world history added onto high school East Asian history could be organized from a global history perspective in a narrative format or an inquiry activity format. In particular, I emphasized that intercultural interaction transcending cultural or ethnic barriers could be the focus of world history.