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1937년 재만조선인의 교육행정권은 만주국의 치외법권 철폐의 결과, 종래 조선총독부로부터 만주국 정부 관할로 이관되었다. 1938년 이래 신학제에 입각한 재만조선인 교육은 재만일본인과의 명백한 민족차별과 양질 저하로 이어지면서 재만조선인 사회는 물론이고 현지조선인 사회의 거센 반발을 초래했다. 그 와중에서 1937년 중일전쟁 발발에 따른 중국인의 민심이반과 조선인의 전시동원은 재만조선인의 교육문제에 대한 일본제국 차원의 대응을 불가피하게했다. 그 결과, 1941년 4월 선만수뇌의 ‘신경회담’이 개최되었고, 재만조선인교육행정권은 종래 일원적인 만주국 정부 관할로부터 ‘선만일여의 문교정책’에입각한 선만공동관리로 전환했다. 결국, 1937년 이래 재만조선인 교육정책의변화는 중일전쟁 발발을 계기로 재만조선인의 정치적 위상이 급변했음을 시사한다. 이 연구는 선만관계사 혹은 교육정치사의 관점에서 1937년 이래 재만조선인의 교육문제를 검토하고, 종래 ‘이등국민론(二等國民論)’ 혹은 그 ‘허상론(虛像論)’과도 구별되는 또 다른 관점을 제시하고자 했다.

In 1937, the educational and administrative rights of Korean residents in Manchuria were transferred from the Japanese Government-General of Korea to Manchuria thanks to the abolition of extraterritoriality. As a result, from 1938 education for Korean residents in Manchuria based upon the theological system brought obvious racial discrimination and a lowering of the quality of education, which in turn caused severe resistance from Korean residents in Korea, as well as by Korean residents in Manchuria. With the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, Japan’s aggressive response to the education-related matters of Korean -residents in Manchuria was inevitable in terms of the estrangement of public sentiment among Chinese people and the wartime mobilization of Koreans. The study found that a Korea- Manchuria meeting was held in Changchun in April 1941. In terms of education for Korean residents in Manchuria, a conventional one-way system was transformed into a joint Korea-Manchuria management system under the educational policy of “Korea and Manchuria are one and the same.” The changes in educational policy for Korean residents meant that the political stance of Korean residents in Changchun had dramatically changed since the start of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937. This study attempted to investigate changes in the educational and administrative rights of the Korean residents in Manchuria since the abolition of extraterritoriality in 1937 and trends among the Korean residents in Manchuria, and to pay attention to the Korea-Manchuria talks in 1941 from the new research perspectives of the history of Korea-Manchuria Relations and the history of educational politics. Then, it suggested another perspective which differs from the view of second-class citizens among Korean residents and the illusion of second-class citizens in Manchuria.